DDTH's Java Common Libraries and Utilities.
Project home: https://github.com/DDTH/ddth-commons
requires Java 11+ since v1.0.0, for Java 8, use v0.9.x
See LICENSE.txt for details. Copyright (c) 2013-2019 Thanh Ba Nguyen.
Third party libraries are distributed under their own license(s).
Latest release version: 1.1.0
Maven dependency: if only a sub-set of ddth-commons
functionality is used, choose the corresponding
dependency artifact(s) to reduce the number of unused jar files.
ddth-commons-core: all Spring, Apache Thrift, Serialization/JSON (FasterXML Jackson, Kryo and FST) dependencies are optional
ddth-commons-crypto: include all ddth-commons-core and Bouncy Castle dependencies.
ddth-commons-jedis: include all ddth-commons-core and Jedis dependencies.
ddth-commons-jsonrpc: include all ddth-commons-core annd ddth-commons-serialization dependencies.
ddth-commons-rocksdb: include all ddth-commons-core and RocksDB JNI dependencies.
ddth-commons-spring: include all ddth-commons-core and Spring dependencies.
ddth-commons-thrift: include all ddth-commons-core and Apache Thrift dependencies.
ddth-commons-typesafeconfig: include all ddth-commons-core and Typesafe Config dependencies.
ddth-commons-serialization: include all ddth-commons-core and FasterXML Jackson, Kryo and FST dependencies.