This project makes use of the PYQT library in order to create a ChatRoom like application. The file must be ran in order for there to be successful connections. In order to run the client, a separate command-line 'python' command must be ran on and to run the file, the command-line 'python' command must be ran.
The file is in charge of enabling the host laptop to function as a socket that will listen for connections. The server keeps tracks of the connected clients and their connection information. It is in charge of verifying usernames and relaying connected to clients to all client applications. The server handles the sending and retrieval of messages to and from all clients. The file is ran directly by navigating to the correct folder and executing the 'python' command.
The client is ran by navigating to the correct folder and executing the 'python' command on Each command runs one client. The client is prompted to enter a username and connect to the server. Each username must be unique (the server makes sure of this). Once verified, the chatroom is displayed allowing clients to chat with each other.