- Scan for areas of similar colour on aerial pictures like OCR for text.
- recognition works well with lakes it will not produce good results with wood in near future.
- malenki et al. reported that latlon.org does not work at the moment/anymore (?) geoposer.com is another bing WMS server, but somone has to figure out how to use it with scanaerial. Till then it is possible to use landsat with wms_server_url = http://irs.gis-lab.info/?layers=landsat&
- added tag source:zoomlevel. You see sometimes very different details in different zoomlevels.
- inner and outer Multipolygon work
- TMS Zoomlevel of JOSM is used for the downloaded WMS Tiles
- scanaerial works with Ext_tools Plugin
- Python. You can run library_check.py to find out if a library is missing
- Ext_tools plug-in for JOSM. {TZoom} is part of Ext_tools since Ext_tools 25274
- Of course you need the scanaerial files too. You will find the latest releases on https://github.com/jonasstein/scanaerial/archives/master Copy them to JOSM/plugins/scanaerial for example.
- unzip the contents of the downloaded archive to the JOSM plugin directory Linux users put it to: ~/.josm/plugins/ext_tools/scanaerial
- start JOSM, press F12 and go to Ext_tools configuration
- use this cmdline:/home/<username>/.josm/plugins/ext_tools/scanaerial/scanaerial.py {lat} {lon} {TZoom} It will create a new menu item in JOSM. (NB: Syntax may change soon) Due to a bug in Ext_tools you can not write “~” instead of “home”
- For best result you may finetune the values in scanaerial.cfg
key | function |
fixedzoomlevel | use this zoomlevel, if Ext_tools did not tell via TZoom |
wmsname | name of the WMS Source (only for the tag string) |
wms_server_url | you may choose your favourite WMS server |
projection | projection that is used on the WMS server |
tile_sizex,-y | leave it to 256 unless you know what you do |
douglas_peucker_epsilon | maximum roughness for smoothening the line |
colour_str | colour sensitivity |
maxfilter_setting | how many times should we apply the smoothening? |
- collect recipies for better algorithms
- try to exclude douglas-peucker from scanaerial. josm can do that.
- try different algorithms in forks and compare them.
- try to access cached wms tiles from josm
- rewrite in c(++) and/or java
- find betatester
- if anything fails have a look on the error console. Scanaerial is very verbous.
- https://github.com/jonasstein/scanaerial/issues
- if you want to contribute, please make a fork, make your changes in the fork do a pull request on this project site, or contact the author