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Flashcard example in JSON

agordillo edited this page Jan 14, 2013 · 6 revisions
//Sample of a flashcard resource
//A flashcard resource is a presentation which only contains one slide of flashcard type.
var fc_sample = {
	"id" : "3",
	"title":"Curiosity Flashcard",
	"description":"A Flashcard about Curiosity, the car-sized robotic rover exploring 
                       Gale Crater on Mars.",
	"age_range":"12 - 30",
	"educational_objectives":"Know about Curiosity, the car-sized robotic rover 
                                  exploring Gale Crater on Mars.",
	"adquired_competencies":"Pupils will be smarter",
	"author":"Vish Editor Team",
                                          frameborder=\\"0\\" id=\\"resizableunicID3\\" 
                                          class=\\"t2_object\\" wmode=\\"opaque\\">
							"style":"position: relative; width:100%; 
                                                                 height:98.7%; top:0%; left:0%;"
							"style":"position: relative; width:101.9%; 
                                                                 height:190.4%; top:-69.2%; left:-0.1%;"
							"body":"The image shows the Alpha Particle X-Ray 
                                                                Spectrometer (APXS) on NASA's Curiosity 
                                                                rover, with the Martian landscape in the  
							"style":"position: relative; width:129.1%;
                                                                 height:110.6%; top:-5.2%; left:-10.9%;"
							"body":"Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS"
                                  id=\\"resizableunicID6\\" class=\\"t10_object\\" wmode=\\"opaque\\">
                                                        "style":"position: relative; width:100%; 
                                                                 height:100%; top:0%; left:0%;"