/# internship_projects this repo is for our intern Salma Ezahraoui , she will be responsible for everything in this repository/
It is important to install the required dependencies to run the program.
First,we need to install node.js in your pc💻
/Open your Node.js project in a command-line interface or terminal./
Initialize a new Node.js project by running the following command
npm init
Install the required packages:
Use the npm package manager to install the MongoDB driver by running the following command
npm install mongodb
we need to include a few packages for our Nodejs application
npm install express --save
Express allows us to set up middlewares to respond to HTTP Requests
npm install body-parser --save
If you want to read HTTP POST data , you have to use the “body-parser” node module
npm install mongoose --save
npm install multer
Start the MongoDB. Run app.js file :node app.js