Crypto Formulas is Ethereum contract written in Solidity that brings new ways of interaction with the most popular Ethereum based assets (Ether, ERC20 tokens, and ERC721 tokens). Using it, you can create sequences of operations that are executed atomically (all of them or none at all). Each operation is made of instruction, and it's operands.
Examples of such instructions are:
- "Send Ether amount X from A to B"
- "Send amount X of ERC20 token Y from A to B"
- "Allow executing this transaction only during October 2020"
and more exists.
These simple instructions can be composed together for secure exchange for Ethereum based assets and other practical uses.
yarn # install dependencies
yarn build # build contracts
yarn test # test contracts
After building, you can find deployable source code in the file dist/src/contracts/CryptoFormulas.sol.
The main contract you want to deploy is called CryptoFormulas.
The repository contains a Crypto Formulas' Formula wrapper class that helps you construct Formulas that
can be relayed to Ethereum network later on. Deploy mechanism is not included in this project
and you will need to look for projects web3x
, web3js
, Remix
or similar to deploy the contract.
Example usage
import {Formula} from 'cryptoFormulas/src/formula/Formula'
import {IFormula} from 'cryptoFormulas/src/formula/IFormula'
// two parties exchange erc20 tokens for ethereum
const amountToken = 100
const amountEther = 100
const tokenContractAddress = '0x...' // fill erc20 contract address here
const myFormula: IFormula = new Formula({
endpoints: [
operations: [
{ // send token user1 -> user2
instruction: 1,
operands: [0, 1, amountToken, token1Contract.address]
}, { // send ether user2 -> user1
instruction: 0,
operands: [1, 0, amountEther]
// Now let the parties sign the formula, relay it to Ethereum network, or do whatever you need to do.
See tests for more usage examples.
If you are using plain JS, you will need to build the project first and then use generated JS files
located in dist/src/formula/