pdf reader like adobeReader. use Qt5 and poppler-qt5
- QtVersion > 5.1
- poppler-qt5
just run
git clone https://github.com/CryFeiFei/Reader.git
and then
- open the Reader.pro by QtCreator(MinGW)
you can build it
under Ubuntu14.04 Ubuntu16.04 Ubuntu18.04
just run
apt-cache search poppler-qt5
to search libpoppler-qt5-dev
sudo apt-get install pkg-config && libpoppler-qt5-dev
then,you can check up the dev package.
pkg-config --cflags poppler-qt5
you should build the poppler-qt5 by yourself
after build the poppler-qt5, you can use it like Reader.pro
unix: PKGCONFIG += poppler-qt5
unix: CONFIG += c++11 link_pkgconfig