This my nvim config,
Use if you want to, and
Just watch this videos before if you are aNOOB
- Vim as your Editor
- 0 to LSP : Neovim RC From Scratch
- Revamp Neovim RC
- Teaching Neovim From Scratch To A Noob
- Start
- Telescope
- oil
- Harpoon
- Flash
- Hex Editor
- MarkDown Render
- CSV Viewer
- Trouble
- Undo Tree
This is how my config is structured
├── after
│ └── plugin
│ ├── colors.lua
│ └── remaps.lua
├── custom_plugin
│ └── lsp_lines
├── ftplugin
│ └── json.lua
├── init.lua
└── lua
├── config
│ ├── alias.lua
│ ├── autocommands.lua
│ ├── functions.lua
│ ├── keymaps.lua
│ ├── lazy.lua
│ ├── options.lua
│ ├── post_setup.lua
│ └── snippets.lua
└── plugins
├── auto-session.lua
├── comment.lua
├── conform.lua
├── csv_viewer.lua
├── dressing.lua
├── flash.lua
├── gitsigns.lua
├── harpoon.lua
├── hexeditor.lua
├── lsp.lua
├── lspsaga.lua
├── notify.lua
├── nvim_autopairs.lua
├── nvim_colorizer.lua
├── nvim_recorder.lua
├── nvim_treesitter_context.lua
├── nvim_treesitter.lua
├── nvim_treesitter_textobject.lua
├── nvim_ts_autotag.lua
├── oil.lua
├── render_markdown.lua
├── surround.lua
├── telescope.lua
├── theams.lua
├── trouble.lua
├── undotree.lua
└── vim_be_good.lua
Link for all the plugins github page, Plz check them out.
- Comment
- CSV view
- Dressing
- Flash
- Gitsigns
- Harpoon
- Hex Editor
- For LSP config use the Video above or use the kickstart to learn
- Lspsaga
- LuaSnip
- Nvim-Notify
- Nvim-Autopairs
- Nvim-Colorizer
- Nvim-Recorder
- Nvim-Treesitter
- Oil
- Render-Markdown
- Nvim-Surround
- Telescope
- Tokyonight
- Trouble
- UndoTree
- Vim-Be-Good
This is it,
Hope you liked my config.
If you want to go deep in Nvim config Nvim Docs.