Developing grid algorithms for the Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer
GEMS python algorithm is a framework of regrid algorithm. README file is written by Dong Kyu Cho.
For experiment, contact Dong Kyu Cho or make experiment branch instead.
From Satrec Initiative Team
I updated .gitignore. It will prevent uploading nc files.
Now "qf_usage" works in more efficient way
- Check and ql_algo method.
- For uncertainty quantification, you must Modify ql_algo only
- Check CONFIG "qf_usage"
Grid parameter
- ea: Sparse Area
- kr: Dense Area (Korea penn.)
Class Modified in more efficient way. Now, you should pass qf parameter.
For now, we do not have any dependency problem. However we recommend you to install python > 3.9.5
CONFIG file determines major arguments. Check "grid" setting and File IO setting. Build folder directories as you want then change CONFIG.
To run, use python YEAR MONTH DATE TIME
For example, to run a 202103240445 nc file,
python 2021 03 24 04
You will have two outputs: kr and ea.