Skelet of a discord.js bot
Tired of making the whole "base" of your discord bot? Never been easier!
The following versions was used to test the project:
Discord.js | v13.6.0 |
Node.js | v17.3.0 |
Install the project with the following command:
$ npm install
Get started by duplicating the template named event.js.structure
and renaming it to a new more convenient name ending on .js
The template include the following:
module.exports = (client, config) => {
var eventObj = {};
// Settings = 'test'; // Event name
eventObj.once = false; // Set this to true if it should listen once.
// Main function
eventObj.execute = () => {
// Do something in the event here
return eventObj;
All event modules should go into the folder named events
Get started by duplicating the template named cmd.js.structure
and renaming it to a new more convenient name ending on .js
The template include the following:
// Imports
const Discord = require('discord.js');
const { SlashCommandBuilder } = require('@discordjs/builders');
module.exports = (client, config) => {
var cmdObj = {};
// Settings = 'test';
cmdObj.description = 'test description';
cmdObj.permissions = null; = new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription(cmdObj.description); // Build properties for a Slash Command here if wanted. If not, set the property to null
// Main function
* @param {Discord.Message} message - Will be set if the command was executed by standard message command.
* @param {Array<String> || Discord.CommandInteractionOptionResolver} args - If the command was executed by standard message command, it will send an array of string arguments. If executed by slash commands it will return the interaction options.
* @param {Discord.CommandInteraction} interaction - Will be set if command was executed by a slash command.
cmdObj.execute = (message, args, interaction) => {}
return cmdObj;
This project includes both slash command handling and standard message command handling.
To start the project run the following command:
$ npm run start
If you experience any problems in your way using this awesome skeleton for your bot, don't hesitate to contact me on discord! Croixai#2003