Thanks for taking a look!
The current development environment relies on pyenv & poetry, and some setup instructions I haven't written yet. Please message me on discord if you're looking to get things running, and I can prioritize writing additional instructions to help answer any questions.
To install the AWS CLI
brew install awscli -
To install terraform
brew install terraform -
To get AWS credentials on file:
- Login to
- Select the account you would like to create credentials for (you may need to create a whole account and add admin permissions to it)
- Select the "Security credentials" tab
- Create an Access Key. If an access key has already been created, you may want to either re-use that one (if you can still find it) or regenerate it to prevent extra keys from piling up here
- I selected that this was an "Application running outside of AWS" but there may be better options here now... like there were for gitlab
- Keep the page open that allows you to copy & paste the
. - verify that the local
directory is empty:ls -al ~/.aws/
as we don't want to lose or muck up existing credentials - in a terminal, run
aws configure
- paste in the
when prompted - leave the region blank
- verify that a new file was created:
cat ~/.aws/credentials
- for this project, I renamed this file to
mv ~/.aws/credentials ~/.aws/personal_credentials
Verify that the AWS cli works:
AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE='~/.aws/personal_credentials' aws sts get-caller-identity
Verify that terraform works with a:
terraform plan
To deploy all terraform infrastructure (including the lambda bundles)
terraform apply
To test the lambda directly:
AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE='~/.aws/personal_credentials' aws lambda invoke --region=us-east-1 --function-name=tcgcsv_etl --cli-read-timeout 0 output.txt
Python dependencies used by the lambda ETL scripts are managed by a requirements.txt
file. Installing dependencies locally and freezing the results is an easy way to update requirements.txt
cd lambda_support_layer
pip install merkle-json -t ./python
pip freeze --path ./python > requirements.txt
To update the lambda support layer's archive:
# Drop into a docker shell
docker run -v lambda_support_layer:/working -it --rm --entrypoint /bin/bash
cd /working
# install gcc and python-devel
yum -y install gcc python-devel
rm -rf python
pip install --target python -r requirements.txt
cd lambda_support_layer && zip -r python