The aim of this project is to read data from Cosmo Tech Twin Cache solution
- Read data from Cosmo Tech Twin Cache solution regarding environment variables
- Export data in CSV files
- Export data from Cypher queries
- Metrics logging
Here is the list of environment variables:
- TWIN_CACHE_HOST: the twin cache host
- TWIN_CACHE_PORT: the twin cache port
- TWIN_CACHE_NAME: the twin cache key name where data will be stored
- TWIN_CACHE_PASSWORD: the twin cache password udes to read data
- CSM_FETCH_ABSOLUTE_PATH: define the CSV files export path
- SCENARIO_SUBSET_QUERY_NAME: define name of the scenario parameter containing filtering queries
the following variable are mandatory to run the connector: "TWIN_CACHE_HOST", "TWIN_CACHE_PORT", "TWIN_CACHE_NAME", "CSM_FETCH_ABSOLUTE_PATH". (TWIN_CACHE_PASSWORD is set to none) However "TWIN_CACHE_HOST", "TWIN_CACHE_PORT", "TWIN_CACHE_PASSWORD" and "CSM_FETCH_ABSOLUTE_PATH" are set by the cosmotech_api while run by it. Only TWIN_CACHE_NAME needs to be set.
the environnement variable SCENARIO_SUBSET_QUERY_NAME is used to indicate the use of queries for filtering.
this varible DO NOT contain the queries themself but the name of the parameter in the scenario that use this connector as dataset.
The variable in the scenario is list of queries tranform to string. The python function from the json lib json.dumps can create this. (e.g. "["query1", "query2"]")
A dataset (we'll call it A) using this connector set the variable SCENARIO_SUBSET_QUERY_NAME to "red_set". In the parameterValues of the scenario using the dataset A, the variable red_set has the filtering queries as value.
Default log level defined is "INFO". We use the logging API logging. You can change the log level by setting an environment variable named: LOG_LEVEL. Log levels used for identifying the severity of an event. Log levels are organized from most specific to least:
docker build -t twincache-connector .
Fill the following command with your information:
export TWIN_CACHE_HOST=<twin_cache_host>
export TWIN_CACHE_NAME=<twin_cache_name>
export TWIN_CACHE_PORT=<twin_cache_port>
export TWIN_CACHE_PASSWORD=<twin_cache_port>
export CSM_FETCH_ABSOLUTE_PATH=<export_path>
Then run:
- Default log level is set to 'info'
- Handle username/password for secured twin cache connection