To build you need the JDK, AdoptOpenJDK or Oracle's JDK should both work fine, however AdoptOpenJDK 17 is what I will be using and what is used for CI Builds. Optionally you may also want to install Intellij IDEA Community.
The easiest way to build is using ./gradlew jar
in either PowerShell (Windows), or in the
terminal (Linux/Mac).
You could alternatively use Intellij and select jar from Gradle Tasks->Build->jar
, and once
you've done this step you can simply build by pressing the green run arrow at the top.
The jar will built so that all dependencies will be packed into it in order to make it easily portable.
You can run it from the terminal/PowerShell by typing java -jar Officer-Beepsky-x.x.x.jar <Discord token> <Owner ID>
Optionally you can use the following script to build, run, and update the bot when needed.
curl -o
Windows: (PowerShell)
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile run.ps1
And when its time to update just private message the bot restart
and it will update and restart!
WARNING: The restart
command will only shut it down if you do not use the script.
This project follows the Google Java Style Guide. You can add the style to your Intellij by using this and this guide.
You can check if your code is good by using the checkstyleMain
gradle task:
./gradlew checkstyleMain
The generated JavaDocs can be found here.