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This repo contains code that relates to navigation, including the navigation algorithm itself, nodes for ROS communication, a bike simulation, GPS visualization scripts, web path retrieval, and data smoothing/sensor fusion.

The goal of the code contained in this repo is to allow the bike to use various sensors to autonomously follow a predefined path as accurately as possible.

Before getting into the details of each file below, here are some important things to know right off the bat:

  • The file titled contains the main navigation algorithms. Our algorithm takes in a "bike state", which contains info about the bike at its current state (such as location or speed), along with the predifined set of waypoints that make up the path, and it outputs a desired front wheel angle. This output angle should help steer the bike correctly along/towards the path.

  • The file titled contains the code for running the bike simulation. The initial bike state and waypoints can be edited to test out different scenarios. Simply run this file to see the simulation in action.

  • All files with "_node" are used for ROS communication. Generally, these files rely on bike sensors like GPS or IMU to publish and/or subscribe to other ROS nodes. ROS can be somewhat confusing to understand at first -- for more information see the first 4-5 chapters of A Gentle Introduction to ROS.

  • All files with "kalman" relate to data smoothing/sensor fusion. As of now, these files use something similar to a kalman filter to get more accurate location data. The math behind the kalman filter is explained in detail here.

Known Bugs


All files with "_node" are used for ROS communication.

Module that simulates the bikes dynamics.


Return Type Method Signature Description
Bike object new_state(bike, steerD) Returns: next bikeState given current state [bike] and direction [steerD]

Defines the Bike object which represents the autonomous bike for the purposes of navigation. Not to be confused with Bike_State class in Arduino code.

Class Definition:

Type Instance Attribute Description
float xB Bike position's x-coordinate
float yB Bike position's y-coordinate
float phi Lean angle (radians)
float psi Direction/heading/yaw (radians)
float delta Steer angle (radians)
float w_r Lean rate (m/s)
float v Speed (m/s)

Methods: //TODO

Return Type Method Signature Description
array? vector(self) Returns the bike's unit vector
void update(self, bike) Updates the bike state
array? rhs(self, steerD) Modifies state object to turn it into the next state using bike dynamics. Equivalent to rhs in Matlab

Definitions of various constants for Navigation code. //TODO

Constant Names Significance Used In
G, L, B, H Constants from the Matlab bike dynamics simulation
C Trail? ?
K1 Gain from old nav algorithm Not used
K2 Gain from old nav algorithm Not used
K3 Gain from old nav algorithm Not used
MAX_Steer Bike's maximumum steer angle, used in clamping steerD
PID_DIST_GAIN Gain used for distance contribution of PID
PID_ANGLE_GAIN Gain used for angle contribution of PID Not used
RAD_TO_DEG Ratio of radians to degrees
TURN_LOOKAHEAD_DIST A lookahead distance Not used
NEXT_TURN_GAIN Gain used for next turn contribution of PID
BIKE_LENGTH Bike length used in quintic
QUINTIC_LOOKAHEAD Lookahead distance used in quintic
QUINTIC_SAMPLE_LENGTH Constant used in quintic polynomial
LOOKAHEAD_ANGLE_GAIN Gain used for lookahead angle Not used
MIN_TURN_RADIUS Bike's minimum turning radius, determined using MAX_STEER
ANIM_INTERVAL Miliseconds between blit frames

Module that contains many convenience functions that perform mathematical calculations. Used in __


Return Type Function Signature Description
array? unit_vector(p1, p2) Returns: the unit vector given 2D points [p1] and [p2]
array? threeD_unit_vector(p1, p2) Returns: the unit vector given points [p1] and [p2]
float? dist2(p1, p2) Returns: the square of the distance between [p1] and [p2]
float? distance(p1, p2) Returns: the distance between points [p1] and [p2]
int? get_sign(v) Returns: the sign of the number [v]
array? nearest_point_on_path(path, point) Returns: the nearest point on the [path] to the [point]
float? angle_from_path(bike_direction, p1, p2) Returns: angle that the bicycle has to turn to approach line [p1] to [p2]
float? distance_from_path(point, target_path) Returns: calculates the distance from [point] to [target_path]
float? line_slope(line) Returns: slope of [line]
float? angle_between_vectors(v1, v2) Returns: angle between vectors [v1] and [v2]. Used in angle_between_two_lines
float? angle_between_two_lines(line1, line2) Returns: angle between [line1] and [line2]
float? dot_product(v1, v2) Returns: mathematical dot product of vectors [v1] and [v2]
array? intersect_circle_path(path, r, c) Returns: points of intersection between [path] and circle with radius [r] and center [c]

This file is simply, but it reads from the GPS ROS stream and updates its internal state based on that.


Return Type Function Signature Description
void update_bike_from_gps(data) Takes the incoming data from the GPS and updates our state with it
void update_graph(data)
void path_parse(data)
void listener()

Contains kalman filter functions that take in raw data and output filtered data. Originally translated from MATLAB. Math used is explained in great detail at:

//TODO: describe function inputs/outputs more clearly


Return Type Function Signature Description
np.matrix kalman_retro(state) Kalman filter that is used to retroactively filter previously collected raw data.
np.matrix array kalman_real_time(state, s_current, P_current) Kalman filter that can be run in real time to filter incoming raw data.

Main Navigation file. Runs a loop that gets navigation command, passes it thorugh simulation, and gets the new updated state.


Return Type Function Signature Description
void loop_pyqtgraph(nav, bike, map_model) Animation using PyQtGraph
void loop_matplotlib(nav, bike, map_model) Animation using Matplotlib with adding/removing patches
void loop_matplotlib_blitting(nav, bike, map_model, blitting=True) Animation using Matplotlib with blitting and callbacks
dict? find_display_bounds(waypoints) Given a set of waypoints, return {xlim, ylim} that can fit them on a graph

Virtual model of the map in which the simulated bike is navigating. Every Route is made up of paths, which are lines between two points.

Class Definition:

Type Instance Attribute Description
Bike bike Bike object
array paths Array of path segments. Each element is an array of 2 waypoints that make up a path segment.
array waypoints Waypoints that make up the route
array? obstacles Obstacles on the map?


Return Type Method Signature Description
void init_paths(self, waypoints) Initializes paths fron input waypoints
void add_path(self, p1, p2) Adds a new path from point p1 to point p2 at the end of the path list
void add_point(self, p) Adds a new point p to the list of waypoints. If it is not the first point, appends a new path
void close_path(self) Adds a path from the last point to the first point in the waypoints list
void draw_circle(self, center, r, n_points, degrees = 2*np.pi) Draws a circle with given characteristics

Navigation algorithms. Contains methods that return the desired steering angle given a bike state and list of paths.


Return Type Method Signature Description
void clamp_steer_angle(self, steerD) Limits a steer angle to within [-MAX_STEER, +MAX_STEER]
int? find_closest_path(self, point) Returns the index of the nearest path to the given point from the list of paths (stored in self.map_model.paths)
float? pid_controller(self) Returns a desired steering angle for the bike. Two parts: a regular PID controller, and a component that detects when a turn is coming up so we can start turning early
float? create_lookahead_correction(self, current_path, bike) Looks at the path ahead and returns a steering angle correction
float? quintic_steering_angle(self, dist_error, angle_error, curvature_error, L, s) Returns the y-coordinate of the quintic polynomial given s as the x-coordinate
float? quintic(self) Returns a desired steering angle for the bike based on quintic algorithm
float? get_steering_angle(self) Calls another function to calculate the steering angle. This function is part of the external interface of this class. All external users of this class should call this method instead of the other steering-angle-calculation methods.

File that handles obtaining GPS waypoints from website. Users can submit waypoints on a Google Maps model on the website, and this file makes requests to the website to obtain those waypoints.

Team members can sign in and submit waypoints at:

Functions: //TODO

Return Type Function Signature Description
array? convert(latitude, longitude) Mercator map projection
array? convert2(latitude, longitude)
array? math_convert(latitude, longitude) Converts latitude and longitude to local coordinates that bike can use to navigate.
void bearing_from_origin(origin, latitude, longitude) potato
void parse_json(presets=False) Parses JSON response from http request


Return Type Function Signature Description
void callback(data)
void path_parse(data)
void update_bike_state(data)
void update_bike_xy(data)
void keyboard_update(data)
void talker()


Return Type Function Signature Description
array? setup_dimension()
void map_server()


Return Type Function Signature Description
void update_graph(data)
void path_parse(data)
void listener()


Return Type Function Signature Description
void update_graph(data)
void path_parse(data)
void listener()


Repo for the nav code






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