Hardhat plugin for integration with js-conflux-sdk
This plugin brings to Hardhat the js-conflux-sdk
, which allows you to interact with the Conflux
blockchain in a simple way.
npm install hardhat-conflux js-conflux-sdk
Import the plugin in your hardhat.config.js
Or if you are using TypeScript, in your hardhat.config.ts
import "hardhat-conflux";
This plugin provides the verifyCfxContract
task, which allows you to verify contracts through Etherscan's service.
$ npx hardhat verifyCfxContract Greeter cfxtest:acba7cvb1k6bhctzsfshybg5zgch39gnpuc8teem53
This plugins adds an ConfluxSDK
object to the Hardhat Runtime Environment.
This object has the same API as js-conflux-sdk
A conflux
field is added to Hardhat Runtime Environment, which is an Conflux
instance automatically connected to the selected network, with some extra Hardhat-specific functionality.
These helpers are added to the conflux
function getContractFactory(name: string): Promise<ConfluxSDK.Contract>;
function getContractFactory(abi: any[], bytecode: string): Promise<ConfluxSDK.Contract>;
function getContractAt(name: string, address: string): Promise<ConfluxSDK.Contract>;
function getContractAt(abi: any[], address: string): Promise<ConfluxSDK.Contract>;
function getSigners(): Promise<ConfluxSDK.PrivateKeyAccount[]>;
There are no additional steps you need to take for this plugin to work.
Install it and access conflux
through the Hardhat Runtime Environment anywhere you need it (tasks, scripts, tests, etc). For example, in your hardhat.config.js:
// Add conflux network (mainnet or testnet) to hardhat networks
confluxTestnet: {
url: "https://test.confluxrpc.com",
accounts: [HARDHAT_TEST_KEY],
chainId: 1,
// task action function receives the Hardhat Runtime Environment as second argument
"Prints the current Conflux epoch number",
async (_, { conflux }) => {
conflux.cfx.epochNumber().then((epochNumber) => {
console.log("Current epoch number: " + epochNumber);
module.exports = {};
And deploy or interact with contract in tasks or scripts:
const signers = await hre.conflux.getSigners();
const defaultAccount = signers[0];
// deploy contract
const Greeter = await hre.conflux.getContractFactory('Greeter');
const receipt = await Greeter.constructor('Hello').sendTransaction({
from: defaultAccount.address,
console.log(`Contract deploy ${receipt.outcomeStatus === 0 ? 'Success' : 'Failed'}`);
const contractAddress = receipt.contractCreated;
console.log(`New deployed contract address: ${contractAddress}`);
// interact with contract
const greeter = await hre.conflux.getContractAt('Greeter', contractAddress);
// read contract state
const greet = await greeter.greet();
// update contract state through sending transaction
const hash = await greeter.setGreeting('new greet').sendTransaction({
from: defaultAccount.address,