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distance binning, various debugging, update examples notebook
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wpbonelli committed Mar 7, 2022
1 parent 4c0760e commit c0e1051
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Showing 9 changed files with 924 additions and 1,588 deletions.
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions .github/workflows/ci.yaml
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Expand Up @@ -42,10 +42,9 @@ jobs:
COVERALLS_FLAG_NAME: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
run: |
coverage run --source=cactice -m pytest /home/runner/work/cactice/cactice/cactice/tests -s
coveralls --finish
needs: [tests]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
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290 changes: 275 additions & 15 deletions cactice/
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@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict, Counter
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Tuple
from itertools import product, repeat
from typing import Dict, Tuple, List

import numpy as np

from cactice.distance import hamming_distance

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Expand All @@ -13,6 +17,18 @@ class Neighbors(Enum):
COMPLETE = 3 # all the above

def flatten(grids: List[np.ndarray]) -> List[int]:
Flattens the given grids into a single list of cell values
:param grids: The grids to flatten
:return: The flattened list of grid cells
return [int(c) for cc in
[r for row in [[grid[col_i] for col_i in range(0, grid.shape[0])] for grid in grids] for r in row] for
c in cc]

def get_neighborhood(
grid: np.ndarray,
i: int,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,7 +94,7 @@ def get_neighborhoods(
exclude_zero: bool = False,
absolute_coords: bool = False):
Computes all cell neighborhoods in the given grid.
Gets all cell neighborhoods in the given grid.
:param grid: The grid
:param neighbors: The cells to consider neighbors
Expand All @@ -103,29 +119,29 @@ def get_band(
grid: np.ndarray,
i: int,
j: int,
distance: int = 1,
radius: int = 1,
include_center: bool = False,
exclude_zero: bool = False,
absolute_coords: bool = False) -> Dict[Tuple[int, int], int]:
Compute the (square) band at the given distance around the given cell location.
Gets the (square) band at the given distance around the given cell location.
:param grid: The grid
:param i: The central cell's row index
:param j: The central cell's column index
:param distance: The distance from the central cell to the band
:param radius: The distance from the central cell to the band
:param include_center: Whether to include the central cell in the neighborhood
:param exclude_zero: Whether to exclude zero-valued cells
:param absolute_coords: Use absolute coordinates rather than location relative to the central cell (the default)
:return: A dictionary mapping cell locations to their respective values

if distance < 1 or distance > min(grid.shape):
raise ValueError(f"Band distance must be greater than 0 and less than min(grid length, grid width)")
if radius < 1 or radius > min(grid.shape):
raise ValueError(f"Band radius must be greater than 0 and less than min(grid length, grid width)")

band = {(0, 0): grid[i, j]} if include_center else {}
ir = (max(i - distance, 0), min(i + distance, grid.shape[0]))
jr = (max(j - distance, 0), min(j + distance, grid.shape[1]))
ir = (max(i - radius, 0), min(i + radius, grid.shape[0]))
jr = (max(j - radius, 0), min(j + radius, grid.shape[1]))
for ii in range(ir[0], ir[1] + 1):
for jj in range(jr[0], jr[1] + 1):
# skip interior cells
Expand All @@ -150,30 +166,274 @@ def get_band(

def get_bands(
grid: np.ndarray,
distance: int = 1,
radius: int = 1,
include_center: bool = False,
exclude_zero: bool = False,
absolute_coords: bool = False) -> Dict[Tuple[int, int], int]:
Computes all bands at the given distance in the given grid.
Gets all bands at the given distance in the given grid.
:param grid: The grid
:param distance: The distance from the central cell to start the band
:param radius: The distance from the central cell to start the band
:param include_center: Whether to include the central cell in the neighborhood
:param exclude_zero: Whether to exclude zero-valued cells
:param absolute_coords: Use absolute coordinates rather than location relative to the central cell (the default)
:return: A dictionary mapping cell locations to dictionaries mapping band cell locations to their respective values

if distance < 1 or distance > min(grid.shape):
raise ValueError(f"Band distance must be greater than 0 and less than min(grid length, grid width)")
if radius < 1 or radius > min(grid.shape):
raise ValueError(f"Band radius must be greater than 0 and less than min(grid length, grid width)")

return {(i, j): get_band(grid=grid,
for i in range(0, grid.shape[0])
for j in range(0, grid.shape[1])}

def get_bin(
grid: np.ndarray,
i: int,
j: int,
d_min: float,
d_max: float,
include_center: bool = False,
exclude_zero: bool = False,
absolute_coords: bool = False) -> Dict[Tuple[int, int], int]:
Gets the cells within the given distance range from the given cell in the given grid.
:param grid: The grid
:param i: The central cell's row index
:param j: The central cell's column index
:param d_min: The bin's lower distance bound
:param d_max: The bin's upper distance bound
:param include_center: Whether to include the central cell in the neighborhood
:param exclude_zero: Whether to exclude zero-valued cells
:param absolute_coords: Use absolute coordinates rather than location relative to the central cell (the default)
:return: A dictionary mapping cell locations to dictionaries mapping band cell locations to their respective values

if d_min < 1 or d_min > min(grid.shape):
raise ValueError(f"Bin distance lower bound must be greater than 0 and less than min(grid length, grid width)")

if d_max < 1 or d_max > min(grid.shape):
raise ValueError(f"Bin distance upper bound must be greater than 0 and less than min(grid length, grid width)")

if d_min >= d_max:
raise ValueError(f"Bin distance lower bound must be strictly less than upper bound")

distances = {(ii, jj): np.linalg.norm(np.array((i, j)) - np.array((ii, jj)))
for ii in range(0, grid.shape[0])
for jj in range(0, grid.shape[1])}
binn = {(0, 0): grid[i, j]} if include_center else {} # don't shadow built-in `bin`
for loc, distance in distances.items():
if distance < d_min or distance > d_max: continue

# map the cell's value to relative or absolute coordinates
ii, jj = loc"Adding cell ({i}, {j})'s band cell ({ii}, {jj})")
coords = (ii, jj) if absolute_coords else (ii - i, jj - j)
binn[coords] = grid[ii, jj]

# optionally exclude zeros (missing values)
if exclude_zero:
binn = {k: v for k, v in binn.items() if (k == (0, 0) or (k != (0, 0) and v != 0))}

return binn

def neighborhood_correlations(
grid: np.ndarray,
radius: int = 1,
exclude_zero: bool = False) -> Tuple[Dict[Tuple[int, int], float], np.ndarray]:
Computes the mean Hamming distance between each cell's neighborhood and those of all cells at distance `d` from it.
:param grid: The grid
:param radius: The radius of the band with reference to the central cell
:param exclude_zero: Whether to exclude zero-valued cells
:return: A tuple (dictionary mapping location coordinates to average distances, ndarray representation)

if radius < 1 or radius > min(grid.shape):
raise ValueError(f"Band distance must be greater than 0 and less than min(grid length, grid width)")

bands = get_bands(grid, radius=radius, absolute_coords=True)
neighborhoods = get_neighborhoods(

avg_dists = {}
avg_grid = np.zeros_like(grid).astype(float)

# iterate over cells in grid (and corresponding bands)
for band_center, band_cells in bands.items():
if exclude_zero and grid[band_center[0], band_center[1]] == 0: continue

# get the central cell's neighborhood
cell_neighborhood = get_neighborhood(

# get each band cell's neighborhood
band_neighborhoods = {key: neighborhoods[key] for key in band_cells.keys()}

distances = []
for n_center, n_cells in band_neighborhoods.items():
cell_nbrs = []
band_nbrs = []
for loc, val in n_cells.items():
# only compare corresponding neighbors
if loc not in cell_neighborhood: continue
cell_nbrs.append(cell_neighborhood[loc[0], loc[1]])

if len(cell_nbrs) == 0: continue

# distance normalized to [0-1]
radius = hamming_distance(cell_nbrs, band_nbrs) / len(cell_nbrs)

if len(distances) == 0: continue

# compute average distance
avg_d = float(sum(distances) / len(distances))
avg_dists[band_center[0], band_center[1]] = avg_d
avg_grid[band_center[0], band_center[1]] = avg_d

return avg_dists, avg_grid

def cell_value_distribution(
grids: List[np.ndarray],
exclude_zero: bool = False) -> Dict[int, float]:
Computes the discrete probability distribution of unique cell class values in the given grids.
:param grids: A list of grids
:param exclude_zero: Exclude zero-valued cells (interpreted to be missing values)
:return: The class probability mass

# flatten the grids into a single list of cells
cells = flatten(grids)

# optionally exclude zero-valued cells
if exclude_zero:
cells = [cell for cell in cells if cell != 0]

# count occurrences and compute proportions
freq = dict(OrderedDict(Counter(cells)))
uniq = len(freq.keys())
dist = {k: round(v / sum(freq.values()), uniq) for (k, v) in freq.items()}

return dist

def undirected_bond_distribution(
grids: List[np.ndarray],
exclude_zero: bool = False) -> Tuple[Dict[Tuple[int, int], float], Dict[Tuple[int, int], float]]:
Computes the discrete probability distribution of undirected transitions (adjacent cell classes) on the given grids.
:param grids: A list of grids
:param exclude_zero: Exclude zero-valued cells (interpreted to be missing values)
:return: A dictionary with key as random variable and value as probablity mass.

# flatten the grids into a single list of cells
cells = flatten(grids)

# optionally exclude zero-valued cells
if exclude_zero:
cells = [cell for cell in cells if cell != 0]

# enumerate undirected pairs
classes = set(cells)
sets = set([frozenset([p[0], p[1]]) for p in product(classes, classes)])
pairs = sorted([(list(p) if len(p) == 2 else list(repeat(next(iter(p)), 2))) for p in sets])

# dicts to populate
horiz = {(ca, cb): 0 for ca, cb in pairs}
vert = horiz.copy()

for grid in grids:
w, h = grid.shape

# count horizontal bonds
for i, j in product(range(w - 1), range(h)):
v1 = grid[i, j]
v2 = grid[i + 1, j]

# optionally exclude bonds where either cell is zero-valued (missing)
if exclude_zero and (v1 == 0 or v2 == 0):

sk = sorted([int(v1), int(v2)])
key = (sk[0], sk[1])
horiz[key] = horiz[key] + 1

# count vertical bonds
for i, j in product(range(w), range(h - 1)):
v1 = grid[i, j]
v2 = grid[i, j + 1]

# optionally exclude bonds where either cell is zero-valued (missing)
if exclude_zero and (v1 == 0 or v2 == 0):

sk = sorted([int(v1), int(v2)])
key = (sk[0], sk[1])
vert[key] = vert[key] + 1

# horizontal distribution
horiz_uniq = len(horiz.keys())
horiz_sum = sum(horiz.values())
horiz_dist = {k: round(v / horiz_sum, horiz_uniq) for (k, v) in horiz.items()} if horiz_sum > 0 else horiz

# vertical distribution
vert_uniq = len(vert.keys())
vert_sum = sum(vert.values())
vert_dist = {k: round(v / vert_sum, vert_uniq) for (k, v) in vert.items()} if vert_sum > 0 else vert

return horiz_dist, vert_dist

def transition_matrix(
grid: np.ndarray,
neighbors: Neighbors = Neighbors.CARDINAL,
exclude_zero: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
Computes the bond transition matrix (counts transitions between each cell class) on the given grid.
:param grid: The grid
:param neighbors: The cells to consider neighbors
:param exclude_zero: Exclude zero-valued cells (interpreted as missing values)
:return: The transition matrix

uniq = np.unique(np.ravel(grid)) # get unique classes
if exclude_zero: uniq = [val for val in uniq if val != 0] # optionally exclude zeros
n_uniq = len(uniq) # number of unique classes
tmat = np.zeros((n_uniq, n_uniq)) # transition matrix

# get all neighborhoods and update the transition matrix with each
nhoods = get_neighborhoods(grid, neighbors=neighbors, exclude_zero=exclude_zero, absolute_coords=True)
for loc, nbrs in nhoods.items():
cell = grid[loc[0], loc[1]]
for cnbr in nbrs.values():
# subtract 1 to compensate for excluded 0s if needed
ii = cell - 1 if exclude_zero else cell
jj = cnbr - 1 if exclude_zero else cnbr
tmat[ii, jj] += 1

return tmat
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion cactice/
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Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@

import numpy as np

import cactice.grids
from cactice.grids import get_neighborhood, get_neighborhoods, Neighbors
from cactice.distance import hamming_distance
import cactice.stats as stats
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ def fit(self, grids: List[np.ndarray]):

self.__train = grids
self.__cell_distribution = stats.cell_dist(grids, exclude_zero=True)
self.__cell_distribution = cactice.grids.cell_value_distribution(grids, exclude_zero=True)

# for each grid...
for grid in grids:
Expand Down

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