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Commands with variable definition are not matched by most rules #8

RyanCallahan312 opened this issue Apr 1, 2021 · 0 comments
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Original Issue: nvbn#1172

I have tried using Kitty Terminal Emulator and Termite Terminal Emulator. Both of these modify the terminfo significantly, and therefore SSH necessitates creating an alias to maintain full terminal functionality when ssh'ing into servers that don't have these terminal emulators installed. For both terminal emulators, a simple alias for alias ssh=TERM='xterm-256color' ssh sets the terminal type such that you get color support. But Kitty additionally has a special feature to make the terminal even smarter over SSH. Whenever I define any of there ssh-aliases, the ssh_known_hosts rule stops functioning.

The output of thefuck --version (something like The Fuck 3.1 using Python 3.5.0 and Bash 4.4.12(1)-release):

The Fuck 3.30 using Python 3.9.2 and ZSH 5.8
Your system (Debian 7, ArchLinux, Windows, etc.):

Manjaro Linux, Kitty Terminal Emulator, zsh
How to reproduce the bug:

Create an alias for ssh. I created the recommended ssh alias for kitty: alias ssh=kitty +kitten ssh. But also saw the same problem with a simpler fallback alias for ssh: alias ssh=TERM='xterm-256color' ssh which should work in any terminal emulator.
SSH to a server where the host key has changed.
Run fuck.
ssh_known_hosts doesn't match, and thefuck instead simply recommends the exact same ssh command I just typed, without any side-effect.
If I remove the alias, then ssh_known_hosts starts working as expected again.

The output of The Fuck with THEFUCK_DEBUG=true exported (typically execute export THEFUCK_DEBUG=true in your shell before The Fuck):

DEBUG: Run with settings: {'alter_history': True,
'debug': True,
'env': {'GIT_TRACE': '1', 'LANG': 'C', 'LC_ALL': 'C'},
'exclude_rules': [],
'history_limit': None,
'instant_mode': False,
'no_colors': False,
'num_close_matches': 3,
'priority': {},
'repeat': False,
'require_confirmation': True,
'rules': [<const: All rules enabled>],
'slow_commands': ['lein', 'react-native', 'gradle', './gradlew', 'vagrant'],
'user_dir': PosixPath('/home/frederiknjs/.config/thefuck'),
'wait_command': 3,
'wait_slow_command': 15}
DEBUG: Received output: Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
It is also possible that a host key has just been changed.
The fingerprint for the ECDSA key sent by the remote host is
Please contact your system administrator.
Add correct host key in /home/frederiknjs/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
Offending ECDSA key in /home/frederiknjs/.ssh/known_hosts:162
ECDSA host key for has changed and you have requested strict checking.
Host key verification failed.

DEBUG: Call: ssh fns@; with env: {'SHELL': '/bin/zsh', 'XDG_SESSION_PATH': '/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Session0', 'I3SOCK': '/run/user/1000/i3/ipc-socket.1992', 'LC_ADDRESS': 'en_DK.UTF-8', 'LC_NAME': 'en_DK.UTF-8', 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK': '/run/user/1000/ssh-agent.socket', 'DESKTOP_SESSION': 'i3', 'LC_MONETARY': 'en_DK.UTF-8', 'EDITOR': 'nano', 'GTK_MODULES': 'canberra-gtk-module', 'XDG_SEAT': 'seat0', 'PWD': '/home/frederiknjs', 'LOGNAME': 'frederiknjs', 'XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP': 'i3', 'QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME': 'qt5ct', 'XDG_SESSION_TYPE': 'x11', 'XAUTHORITY': '/home/frederiknjs/.Xauthority', 'DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID': 'i3/kitty/1992-97-frederiknjs-pc_TIME197808711', 'XDG_GREETER_DATA_DIR': '/var/lib/lightdm-data/frederiknjs', 'MOTD_SHOWN': 'pam', 'GTK2_RC_FILES': '/home/frederiknjs/.gtkrc-2.0', 'HOME': '/home/frederiknjs', 'LC_PAPER': 'en_DK.UTF-8', 'LANG': 'C', 'XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP': 'i3', 'XDG_SEAT_PATH': '/org/freedesktop/DisplayManager/Seat0', 'XDG_SESSION_CLASS': 'user', 'LC_IDENTIFICATION': 'en_DK.UTF-8', 'USER': 'frederiknjs', 'DISPLAY': ':0', 'SHLVL': '1', 'LC_TELEPHONE': 'en_DK.UTF-8', 'LC_MEASUREMENT': 'en_DK.UTF-8', 'XDG_VTNR': '7', 'XDG_SESSION_ID': '2', 'MSF_DATABASE_CONFIG': '/home/frederiknjs/.msf4/database.yml', 'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR': '/run/user/1000', 'LC_TIME': 'en_DK.UTF-8', 'XDG_DATA_DIRS': '/home/frederiknjs/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/share:/usr/local/share:/usr/share:/var/lib/snapd/desktop', 'BROWSER': '/usr/bin/palemoon', 'PATH': '/home/frederiknjs/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3/bin:/home/frederiknjs/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3@global/bin:/home/frederiknjs/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.3/bin:/home/frederiknjs/.asdf/shims:/home/frederiknjs/.asdf/bin:/home/frederiknjs/.local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/var/lib/flatpak/exports/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin:/home/frederiknjs/code/siteimprove/coreinfra-scripts:/var/lib/snapd/snap/bin:/home/frederiknjs/.local/bin:/home/frederiknjs/.cargo/bin:/home/frederiknjs/code/go/bin:/home/frederiknjs/.krew/bin:/home/frederiknjs/.local/opt/android-sdk/platform-tools:/home/frederiknjs/.local/opt/android-sdk/tools:/home/frederiknjs/.yarn/bin:/home/frederiknjs/.rvm/bin', 'GDMSESSION': 'i3', 'DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS': 'unix:path=/run/user/1000/bus', 'MAIL': '/var/spool/mail/frederiknjs', 'LC_NUMERIC': 'en_DK.UTF-8', '_': '/usr/bin/thefuck', 'KITTY_WINDOW_ID': '1', 'WINDOWID': '106954766', 'TERM': 'xterm-kitty', 'COLORTERM': 'truecolor', 'TERMINFO': '/usr/lib/kitty/terminfo', 'OLDPWD': '/home/frederiknjs', 'P9K_TTY': 'old', 'P9K_TTY': '/dev/pts/0', 'ASDF_DIR': '/home/frederiknjs/.asdf', 'XDG_CACHE_HOME': '/home/frederiknjs/.cache', 'GOPATH': '/home/frederiknjs/code/go', 'AWS_PROFILE': 'default', 'FIREFOX_DEVELOPER_BIN': '/opt/firefox-dev/firefox', 'MOZ_USE_XINPUT2': '1', 'WORDCHARS': '*?[]~=&;!#$%^(){}<>', 'P9K_SSH': '0', 'rvm_prefix': '/home/frederiknjs', 'rvm_path': '/home/frederiknjs/.rvm', 'rvm_bin_path': '/home/frederiknjs/.rvm/bin', 'rvm_version': '1.29.9 (latest)', 'GEM_HOME': '/home/frederiknjs/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3', 'GEM_PATH': '/home/frederiknjs/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3:/home/frederiknjs/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.3@global', 'MY_RUBY_HOME': '/home/frederiknjs/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.3', 'IRBRC': '/home/frederiknjs/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.3/.irbrc', 'RUBY_VERSION': 'ruby-2.6.3', 'TF_SHELL': 'zsh', 'TF_ALIAS': 'fuck', 'TF_SHELL_ALIASES': "_cnf_print='echo -e 1>&2'\n_complete=_bash_comp\n_expand=_bash_expand\narst=asdf\nconfig='/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME'\nhistory='fc -l 1'\nmktmp='cd $(mktemp -d)'\nrun-help=man\nrvm-restart='rvm_reload_flag=1 source '\''/home/frederiknjs/.rvm/scripts/rvm'\'\nshopt=:\nssh='kitty +kitten ssh'\ntmp='cd $(mktemp -d)'\nwhich-command=whence", 'PYTHONIOENCODING': 'utf-8', 'THEFUCK_DEBUG': 'true', 'TF_HISTORY': 'ssh fns@\ncode --new-window\nnano .zshrc\nthefuck --version\nkitty --help\nkitty --version\nwhich ssh\nfuck\nexport THEFUCK_DEBUG=true\nssh fns@', 'LC_ALL': 'C', 'GIT_TRACE': '1'}; is slow: False took: 0:00:00.215601
DEBUG: Importing rule: adb_unknown_command; took: 0:00:00.000892
DEBUG: Importing rule: ag_literal; took: 0:00:00.001865
DEBUG: Importing rule: apt_get; took: 0:00:00.003070
DEBUG: Importing rule: apt_get_search; took: 0:00:00.001221
DEBUG: Importing rule: apt_invalid_operation; took: 0:00:00.003231
DEBUG: Importing rule: apt_list_upgradable; took: 0:00:00.001760
DEBUG: Importing rule: apt_upgrade; took: 0:00:00.002260
DEBUG: Importing rule: aws_cli; took: 0:00:00.001192
DEBUG: Importing rule: az_cli; took: 0:00:00.001184
DEBUG: Importing rule: brew_cask_dependency; took: 0:00:00.002747
DEBUG: Importing rule: brew_install; took: 0:00:00.000542
DEBUG: Importing rule: brew_link; took: 0:00:00.001304
DEBUG: Importing rule: brew_reinstall; took: 0:00:00.002155
DEBUG: Importing rule: brew_uninstall; took: 0:00:00.001128
DEBUG: Importing rule: brew_unknown_command; took: 0:00:00.000536
DEBUG: Importing rule: brew_update_formula; took: 0:00:00.001076
DEBUG: Importing rule: cargo; took: 0:00:00.000488
DEBUG: Importing rule: cargo_no_command; took: 0:00:00.001091
DEBUG: Importing rule: cat_dir; took: 0:00:00.001082
DEBUG: Importing rule: cd_correction; took: 0:00:00.004140
DEBUG: Importing rule: cd_mkdir; took: 0:00:00.001718
DEBUG: Importing rule: cd_parent; took: 0:00:00.000500
DEBUG: Importing rule: chmod_x; took: 0:00:00.000493
DEBUG: Importing rule: choco_install; took: 0:00:00.002440
DEBUG: Importing rule: composer_not_command; took: 0:00:00.001218
DEBUG: Importing rule: cp_create_destination; took: 0:00:00.001111
DEBUG: Importing rule: cp_omitting_directory; took: 0:00:00.001694
DEBUG: Importing rule: cpp11; took: 0:00:00.001131
DEBUG: Importing rule: dirty_untar; took: 0:00:00.004224
DEBUG: Importing rule: dirty_unzip; took: 0:00:00.004193
DEBUG: Importing rule: django_south_ghost; took: 0:00:00.000557
DEBUG: Importing rule: django_south_merge; took: 0:00:00.000409
DEBUG: Importing rule: dnf_no_such_command; took: 0:00:00.003438
DEBUG: Importing rule: docker_image_being_used_by_container; took: 0:00:00.001109
DEBUG: Importing rule: docker_login; took: 0:00:00.001132
DEBUG: Importing rule: docker_not_command; took: 0:00:00.002131
DEBUG: Importing rule: dry; took: 0:00:00.000477
DEBUG: Importing rule: fab_command_not_found; took: 0:00:00.001430
DEBUG: Importing rule: fix_alt_space; took: 0:00:00.001155
DEBUG: Importing rule: fix_file; took: 0:00:00.007502
DEBUG: Importing rule: gem_unknown_command; took: 0:00:00.001711
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_add; took: 0:00:00.002192
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_add_force; took: 0:00:00.001084
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_bisect_usage; took: 0:00:00.001047
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_branch_delete; took: 0:00:00.001025
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_branch_delete_checked_out; took: 0:00:00.001084
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_branch_exists; took: 0:00:00.001360
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_branch_list; took: 0:00:00.001564
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_checkout; took: 0:00:00.001494
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_commit_amend; took: 0:00:00.001078
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_commit_reset; took: 0:00:00.001078
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_diff_no_index; took: 0:00:00.001041
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_diff_staged; took: 0:00:00.001035
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_fix_stash; took: 0:00:00.001349
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_flag_after_filename; took: 0:00:00.001063
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_help_aliased; took: 0:00:00.001050
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_merge; took: 0:00:00.001019
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_merge_unrelated; took: 0:00:00.001003
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_not_command; took: 0:00:00.001124
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_pull; took: 0:00:00.001154
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_pull_clone; took: 0:00:00.001415
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_pull_uncommitted_changes; took: 0:00:00.000776
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_push; took: 0:00:00.000731
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_push_different_branch_names; took: 0:00:00.000688
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_push_force; took: 0:00:00.000728
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_push_pull; took: 0:00:00.000832
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_push_without_commits; took: 0:00:00.000813
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_rebase_merge_dir; took: 0:00:00.000715
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_rebase_no_changes; took: 0:00:00.000500
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_remote_delete; took: 0:00:00.000843
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_remote_seturl_add; took: 0:00:00.000534
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_rm_local_modifications; took: 0:00:00.000666
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_rm_recursive; took: 0:00:00.000616
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_rm_staged; took: 0:00:00.000584
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_stash; took: 0:00:00.000533
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_stash_pop; took: 0:00:00.000516
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_tag_force; took: 0:00:00.000520
DEBUG: Importing rule: git_two_dashes; took: 0:00:00.000516
DEBUG: Importing rule: go_run; took: 0:00:00.000546
DEBUG: Importing rule: go_unknown_command; took: 0:00:00.000859
DEBUG: Importing rule: gradle_no_task; took: 0:00:00.001015
DEBUG: Importing rule: gradle_wrapper; took: 0:00:00.000725
DEBUG: Importing rule: grep_arguments_order; took: 0:00:00.000608
DEBUG: Importing rule: grep_recursive; took: 0:00:00.000651
DEBUG: Importing rule: grunt_task_not_found; took: 0:00:00.000835
DEBUG: Importing rule: gulp_not_task; took: 0:00:00.000467
DEBUG: Importing rule: has_exists_script; took: 0:00:00.000428
DEBUG: Importing rule: heroku_multiple_apps; took: 0:00:00.000440
DEBUG: Importing rule: heroku_not_command; took: 0:00:00.000469
DEBUG: Importing rule: history; took: 0:00:00.000179
DEBUG: Importing rule: hostscli; took: 0:00:00.001329
DEBUG: Importing rule: ifconfig_device_not_found; took: 0:00:00.000568
DEBUG: Importing rule: java; took: 0:00:00.000444
DEBUG: Importing rule: javac; took: 0:00:00.000463
DEBUG: Importing rule: lein_not_task; took: 0:00:00.000683
DEBUG: Importing rule: ln_no_hard_link; took: 0:00:00.000424
DEBUG: Importing rule: ln_s_order; took: 0:00:00.000424
DEBUG: Importing rule: long_form_help; took: 0:00:00.000177
DEBUG: Importing rule: ls_all; took: 0:00:00.000458
DEBUG: Importing rule: ls_lah; took: 0:00:00.000438
DEBUG: Importing rule: man; took: 0:00:00.000449
DEBUG: Importing rule: man_no_space; took: 0:00:00.000156
DEBUG: Importing rule: mercurial; took: 0:00:00.000400
DEBUG: Importing rule: missing_space_before_subcommand; took: 0:00:00.000176
DEBUG: Importing rule: mkdir_p; took: 0:00:00.000396
DEBUG: Importing rule: mvn_no_command; took: 0:00:00.000411
DEBUG: Importing rule: mvn_unknown_lifecycle_phase; took: 0:00:00.000412
DEBUG: Importing rule: nixos_cmd_not_found; took: 0:00:00.000747
DEBUG: Importing rule: no_command; took: 0:00:00.000426
DEBUG: Importing rule: no_such_file; took: 0:00:00.000168
DEBUG: Importing rule: npm_missing_script; took: 0:00:00.000900
DEBUG: Importing rule: npm_run_script; took: 0:00:00.000484
DEBUG: Importing rule: npm_wrong_command; took: 0:00:00.000644
DEBUG: Importing rule: open; took: 0:00:00.000563
DEBUG: Importing rule: pacman; took: 0:00:00.000709
DEBUG: Importing rule: pacman_not_found; took: 0:00:00.000172
DEBUG: Importing rule: path_from_history; took: 0:00:00.000195
DEBUG: Importing rule: php_s; took: 0:00:00.000428
DEBUG: Importing rule: pip_install; took: 0:00:00.000516
DEBUG: Importing rule: pip_unknown_command; took: 0:00:00.000513
DEBUG: Importing rule: port_already_in_use; took: 0:00:00.000336
DEBUG: Importing rule: prove_recursively; took: 0:00:00.000430
DEBUG: Importing rule: pyenv_no_such_command; took: 0:00:00.000834
DEBUG: Importing rule: python_command; took: 0:00:00.000394
DEBUG: Importing rule: python_execute; took: 0:00:00.000410
DEBUG: Importing rule: quotation_marks; took: 0:00:00.000155
DEBUG: Importing rule: react_native_command_unrecognized; took: 0:00:00.000507
DEBUG: Importing rule: remove_shell_prompt_literal; took: 0:00:00.000163
DEBUG: Importing rule: remove_trailing_cedilla; took: 0:00:00.000171
DEBUG: Importing rule: rm_dir; took: 0:00:00.000566
DEBUG: Importing rule: rm_root; took: 0:00:00.000411
DEBUG: Importing rule: scm_correction; took: 0:00:00.000426
DEBUG: Importing rule: sed_unterminated_s; took: 0:00:00.000419
DEBUG: Importing rule: sl_ls; took: 0:00:00.000162
DEBUG: Importing rule: ssh_known_hosts; took: 0:00:00.000814
DEBUG: Importing rule: sudo; took: 0:00:00.000175
DEBUG: Importing rule: sudo_command_from_user_path; took: 0:00:00.000575
DEBUG: Importing rule: switch_lang; took: 0:00:00.000342
DEBUG: Importing rule: systemctl; took: 0:00:00.000850
DEBUG: Importing rule: terraform_init; took: 0:00:00.000647
DEBUG: Importing rule:; took: 0:00:00.000161
DEBUG: Importing rule: tmux; took: 0:00:00.000443
DEBUG: Importing rule: touch; took: 0:00:00.000429
DEBUG: Importing rule: tsuru_login; took: 0:00:00.000422
DEBUG: Importing rule: tsuru_not_command; took: 0:00:00.000423
DEBUG: Importing rule: unknown_command; took: 0:00:00.000185
DEBUG: Importing rule: unsudo; took: 0:00:00.000170
DEBUG: Importing rule: vagrant_up; took: 0:00:00.000526
DEBUG: Importing rule: whois; took: 0:00:00.000909
DEBUG: Importing rule: workon_doesnt_exists; took: 0:00:00.000625
DEBUG: Importing rule: yarn_alias; took: 0:00:00.000411
DEBUG: Importing rule: yarn_command_not_found; took: 0:00:00.000855
DEBUG: Importing rule: yarn_command_replaced; took: 0:00:00.000542
DEBUG: Importing rule: yarn_help; took: 0:00:00.000448
DEBUG: Importing rule: yum_invalid_operation; took: 0:00:00.001104
DEBUG: Trying rule: path_from_history; took: 0:00:00.000564
DEBUG: Trying rule: dry; took: 0:00:00.000107
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_stash_pop; took: 0:00:00.000028
DEBUG: Trying rule:; took: 0:00:00.000003
DEBUG: Trying rule: adb_unknown_command; took: 0:00:00.000016
DEBUG: Trying rule: ag_literal; took: 0:00:00.000015
DEBUG: Trying rule: aws_cli; took: 0:00:00.000013
DEBUG: Trying rule: az_cli; took: 0:00:00.000012
DEBUG: Trying rule: brew_link; took: 0:00:00.000013
DEBUG: Trying rule: brew_reinstall; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: brew_uninstall; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: brew_update_formula; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: cargo; took: 0:00:00.000002
DEBUG: Trying rule: cargo_no_command; took: 0:00:00.000012
DEBUG: Trying rule: cat_dir; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: cd_correction; took: 0:00:00.000013
DEBUG: Trying rule: cd_mkdir; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: cd_parent; took: 0:00:00.000002
DEBUG: Trying rule: chmod_x; took: 0:00:00.000002
DEBUG: Trying rule: composer_not_command; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: cp_create_destination; took: 0:00:00.000012
DEBUG: Trying rule: cp_omitting_directory; took: 0:00:00.000012
DEBUG: Trying rule: cpp11; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: dirty_untar; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: dirty_unzip; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: django_south_ghost; took: 0:00:00.000002
DEBUG: Trying rule: django_south_merge; took: 0:00:00.000001
DEBUG: Trying rule: docker_image_being_used_by_container; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: docker_login; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: docker_not_command; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: fab_command_not_found; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: fix_alt_space; took: 0:00:00.000006
DEBUG: Trying rule: fix_file; took: 0:00:00.000204
DEBUG: Trying rule: gem_unknown_command; took: 0:00:00.000013
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_add; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_add_force; took: 0:00:00.000027
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_bisect_usage; took: 0:00:00.000008
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_branch_delete; took: 0:00:00.000009
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_branch_delete_checked_out; took: 0:00:00.000009
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_branch_exists; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_branch_list; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_checkout; took: 0:00:00.000013
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_commit_amend; took: 0:00:00.000009
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_commit_reset; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_diff_no_index; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_diff_staged; took: 0:00:00.000015
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_fix_stash; took: 0:00:00.000009
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_flag_after_filename; took: 0:00:00.000008
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_help_aliased; took: 0:00:00.000009
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_merge; took: 0:00:00.000015
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_merge_unrelated; took: 0:00:00.000009
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_not_command; took: 0:00:00.000008
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_pull; took: 0:00:00.000008
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_pull_clone; took: 0:00:00.000008
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_pull_uncommitted_changes; took: 0:00:00.000012
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_push; took: 0:00:00.000009
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_push_different_branch_names; took: 0:00:00.000009
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_push_pull; took: 0:00:00.000008
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_push_without_commits; took: 0:00:00.000012
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_rebase_merge_dir; took: 0:00:00.000009
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_rebase_no_changes; took: 0:00:00.000008
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_remote_delete; took: 0:00:00.000009
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_remote_seturl_add; took: 0:00:00.000009
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_rm_local_modifications; took: 0:00:00.000008
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_rm_recursive; took: 0:00:00.000008
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_rm_staged; took: 0:00:00.000008
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_stash; took: 0:00:00.000009
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_tag_force; took: 0:00:00.000012
DEBUG: Trying rule: git_two_dashes; took: 0:00:00.000008
DEBUG: Trying rule: go_run; took: 0:00:00.000012
DEBUG: Trying rule: go_unknown_command; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: gradle_no_task; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: gradle_wrapper; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: grep_arguments_order; took: 0:00:00.000013
DEBUG: Trying rule: grep_recursive; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: grunt_task_not_found; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: gulp_not_task; took: 0:00:00.000016
DEBUG: Trying rule: has_exists_script; took: 0:00:00.000017
DEBUG: Trying rule: heroku_multiple_apps; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: heroku_not_command; took: 0:00:00.000009
DEBUG: Trying rule: hostscli; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: ifconfig_device_not_found; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: java; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: javac; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: lein_not_task; took: 0:00:00.000015
DEBUG: Trying rule: ln_no_hard_link; took: 0:00:00.000004
DEBUG: Trying rule: ln_s_order; took: 0:00:00.000004
DEBUG: Trying rule: ls_all; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: ls_lah; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: man; took: 0:00:00.000012
DEBUG: Trying rule: mercurial; took: 0:00:00.000016
DEBUG: Trying rule: mkdir_p; took: 0:00:00.000004
DEBUG: Trying rule: mvn_no_command; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: mvn_unknown_lifecycle_phase; took: 0:00:00.000009
DEBUG: Trying rule: no_such_file; took: 0:00:00.000748
DEBUG: Trying rule: npm_missing_script; took: 0:00:00.000020
DEBUG: Trying rule: npm_run_script; took: 0:00:00.000013
DEBUG: Trying rule: npm_wrong_command; took: 0:00:00.000012
DEBUG: Trying rule: open; took: 0:00:00.000020
DEBUG: Trying rule: php_s; took: 0:00:00.000014
DEBUG: Trying rule: pip_install; took: 0:00:00.000016
DEBUG: Trying rule: pip_unknown_command; took: 0:00:00.000013
DEBUG: Trying rule: port_already_in_use; took: 0:00:00.000570
DEBUG: Trying rule: prove_recursively; took: 0:00:00.000024
DEBUG: Trying rule: pyenv_no_such_command; took: 0:00:00.000014
DEBUG: Trying rule: python_command; took: 0:00:00.000005
DEBUG: Trying rule: python_execute; took: 0:00:00.000014
DEBUG: Trying rule: quotation_marks; took: 0:00:00.000003
DEBUG: Trying rule: react_native_command_unrecognized; took: 0:00:00.000015
DEBUG: Trying rule: remove_shell_prompt_literal; took: 0:00:00.000003
DEBUG: Trying rule: remove_trailing_cedilla; took: 0:00:00.000002
DEBUG: Trying rule: rm_dir; took: 0:00:00.000006
DEBUG: Trying rule: scm_correction; took: 0:00:00.000013
DEBUG: Trying rule: sed_unterminated_s; took: 0:00:00.000041
DEBUG: Trying rule: sl_ls; took: 0:00:00.000002
DEBUG: Trying rule: ssh_known_hosts; took: 0:00:00.000026
DEBUG: Trying rule: sudo; took: 0:00:00.000045
DEBUG: Trying rule: sudo_command_from_user_path; took: 0:00:00.000012
DEBUG: Trying rule: switch_lang; took: 0:00:00.000003
DEBUG: Trying rule: systemctl; took: 0:00:00.000015
DEBUG: Trying rule: terraform_init; took: 0:00:00.000014
DEBUG: Trying rule: tmux; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: touch; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: tsuru_login; took: 0:00:00.000013
DEBUG: Trying rule: tsuru_not_command; took: 0:00:00.000009
DEBUG: Trying rule: unknown_command; took: 0:00:00.001732
DEBUG: Trying rule: unsudo; took: 0:00:00.000004
DEBUG: Trying rule: vagrant_up; took: 0:00:00.000017
DEBUG: Trying rule: whois; took: 0:00:00.000014
DEBUG: Trying rule: workon_doesnt_exists; took: 0:00:00.000011
DEBUG: Trying rule: yarn_alias; took: 0:00:00.000016
DEBUG: Trying rule: yarn_command_not_found; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: yarn_command_replaced; took: 0:00:00.000010
DEBUG: Trying rule: yarn_help; took: 0:00:00.000017
DEBUG: Trying rule: man_no_space; took: 0:00:00.000003
DEBUG: Trying rule: no_command; took: 0:00:00.000115
DEBUG: Trying rule: missing_space_before_subcommand; took: 0:00:00.000231
DEBUG: Trying rule: long_form_help; took: 0:00:00.000333
DEBUG: Trying rule: history; took: 0:00:00.097725
ssh fns@ [enter/↑/↓/ctrl+c]
If the bug only appears with a specific application, the output of that application and its version:

I have seen this behaviour in both Kitty Terminal Emulator, as well as in Termite Terminal Emulator, both using zsh.
Anything else you think is relevant:

Not really

@RyanCallahan312 RyanCallahan312 self-assigned this Apr 1, 2021
@RyanCallahan312 RyanCallahan312 added the individual issue issue assigned to an individual label Apr 1, 2021
@RyanCallahan312 RyanCallahan312 removed their assignment Apr 2, 2021
@Electronick79 Electronick79 self-assigned this Apr 2, 2021
Electronick79 added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 8, 2021
…tion-are-not-matched' into #8-Commands-with-variable-definition-are-not-matched
Electronick79 added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 8, 2021
…tion-are-not-matched' into #8-Commands-with-variable-definition-are-not-matched
Electronick79 added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 8, 2021
…tion-are-not-matched' into #8-Commands-with-variable-definition-are-not-matched
Electronick79 added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 8, 2021
…tion-are-not-matched' into #8-Commands-with-variable-definition-are-not-matched
Electronick79 added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 8, 2021
…tion-are-not-matched' into #8-Commands-with-variable-definition-are-not-matched
Electronick79 added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 10, 2021
…tion-are-not-matched' into #8-Commands-with-variable-definition-are-not-matched
Electronick79 added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 10, 2021
…tion-are-not-matched' into #8-Commands-with-variable-definition-are-not-matched
Electronick79 added a commit that referenced this issue May 6, 2021
…tion-are-not-matched' into #8-Commands-with-variable-definition-are-not-matched
Electronick79 added a commit that referenced this issue May 6, 2021
…tion-are-not-matched' into #8-Commands-with-variable-definition-are-not-matched
Electronick79 added a commit that referenced this issue May 6, 2021
…tion-are-not-matched' into #8-Commands-with-variable-definition-are-not-matched
Electronick79 added a commit that referenced this issue May 6, 2021
…tion-are-not-matched' into #8-Commands-with-variable-definition-are-not-matched
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individual issue issue assigned to an individual
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2 participants