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John Casey edited this page Feb 13, 2014 · 4 revisions


##Getting sources

$ git clone


##Building without Tests

$ mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

##Building with Tests

###Extra Requirements for Integration Testing

To run its integration tests, AProx depends on JBoss Arquillian and a helper for Arquillian called Qarqas. Arquillian is used to deploy a test WAR into a JBoss AS7 instance, and Qarqas is used to generate a set of configurations for that AS7 instance that won't conflict with other AS7 instances already running on the system.

You'll need to have a running instance of AS7 with Qarqas deployed on it, in order to manage the port-set reservations used for the AProx build.

(TODO: Provide a way to build AProx in a simple environment without Qarqas.)

###Running the Build

Once you have AS7 with Qarqas running, it's dead simple to build AProx:

$ mvn clean install

To build with full integration tests enabled, use:

$ mvn -P its clean install

##After the Build

The WAR you'll probably want will be in wars/savant/target/aprox.war

See Installation for instructions on installing/configuring AProx.

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