Breathing/relaxation trainer for Circuit Playground based on Pulse Sensor Amped 1.4 by Joel Murphy and Yury Gitman
Measures pulse rate and changes and inter-beat interval. Uses a Circuit Playground board's built-in LEDs to display a breath pacer, pulse, and relaxation rating
Hardware requirements:
- Adafruit Circuit Playground
- Pulse Sensor Amped
- Pulse Sensor Black wire to Circuit Playground GND
- Pulse Sensor Red wire to Circuit Playground VBATT
- Pulse Sensor Purple wire to Circuit Playground #6
Breath Pacer: Eight of the neopixel LEDs on the Circuit Playground are used to display a breath pacer which is helpful for ideal timing of inhale/exhale cycles. Breath in as the LEDs pulse toward one side, and breath out as they move back to the other side.
Pulse/Relaxation: The remaining two LEDs flash with each pulse detected and their color indicates a basic HRV "coherence" rating which roughly translates to the user's level of relaxation:
- red = low relaxation
- blue = moderate relaxation
- green = high relaxation
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