The gem has been developed by CodiTramuntana.
is a Decidim module to allow uploading a CSV file to perform verifications against data that can be configured at installation level. It is inspired in Decidim File Authorization Handler gem and based on the Decidim::Verifications module.
The module provides a model Decidim::Verifications::CensusDatum
to store census information. Then, in the auhtorization form Decidim::Verifications::CustomCsvCensus::CustomCsvCensusAuthorizationHandler
the user input will be used to search for that data model. Stored data can be persisted in a hashed way.
It also provides a model Decidim::Verifications::CensusDataReport
used to trace the actions (create and delete) of the admins regarding the census. This information will be shown in the admin logs.
It has an admin controller to upload CSV files with the information and it ignores duplicates when importing new data.
The uploaded file is processed when the file is uploaded. Uploading the file to a temporary storage system and processing it in background is kept out of the scope for the first release.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'decidim-verifications-custom_csv_census', git: ''
Configure the CSV fields by creating an initializer in config/initializers/custom_csv_census.rb
And then execute:
bin/rails custom_csv_census:init
This example shows a standard usecase:
# config/initializers/decidim_verifications_custom_csv_census.rb
Decidim::Verifications::CustomCsvCensus.configure do |config|
# `config.col_sep = ","` is the default CSV column separator.
config.fields = {
id_document: {
type: String,
search: true,
encoded: true,
format: /\A[A-Z0-9]*\z/
The configuration option fields
must be a Hash
: the key must be the name of the field and the value must be another Hash
of options; all options must contain the key-value type
and at least one of them must contain search: true
. With these requirements met we can execute bin/rails custom_csv_census:init
and will have a working gem.
Additional options are:
, aRegexp
used to validate both the CSV value while importing and the input of the user while authorizing (recommended).encoded
, whether to apply a hash function to this value before persisting it.parse
, aProc
used to process the CSV value while importing.parse_first
, aBoolean
to decide wether to parse the field before validating the format while importing.- You could want to do it beforehand to clean the incoming data.
- You could want to do it afterwards to further transform clean data.
- You need to provide translations for your configured fields using the following locale key
- You need to provide translations for format errors if you have configured the
option using the following locale key:errors.messages.<field_name>_format
Decidim implements two type of authorization methods:
- Form authorizations, used when the authorization can be granted with the submission of a single form, called authorization handler.
- Workflow authorizations, used when the authorization requires admin intervention.
This module is technically a workflow authorization because it implements an admin engine, but it can also be considered a form authorization as the main engine's controller inherits from Decidim::Verifications::AuthorizationsController
since it make it easier to find the authorization form for the base controller in order to treat it as an authorization handler. This is because the base authorization scheme is perfect for the module needs and it is also why the workflow name is custom_csv_census_authorization_handler and not custom_csv_census, so the Decidim's Verifications Engine recognizes our authorization form as an authorization handler.
The default behaviour of the authorization form is to search the database for the census data using the user inputted data that corresponds with the configured fields that have the option search: true
; if the census data is found the user is authorized. However, if that is not enough, you can extend the form to add more validations, like so:
# config/initializers/decidim_verifications_custom_csv_census.rb
Decidim::Verifications::CustomCsvCensus::CustomCsvCensusAuthorizationHandler.class_eval do
# Assuming you have configured the following field:
# birthdate: {
# type: Date,
# search: false,
# format: %r{\d{2}\/\d{2}\/\d{4}},
# parse: proc { |s| s.to_date }
# }
validate :user_must_be_of_legal_age
def user_must_be_of_legal_age
return unless census_for_user
age_in_years = Date.current.year - census_for_user.birthdate.year
errors.add(:birthdate, I18n.t("errors.messages.age")) if age_in_years < 18
You can also inject data to the Decidim::Authorization
field and override the authorization workflow to add a custom action authorizer so you can change the authorization logic when setting a verification method in the admin zone for a given component action. Like so:
# config/initializers/decidim_verifications_custom_csv_census.rb
Decidim::Verifications.register_workflow(:custom_csv_census_authorization_handler) do |workflow|
workflow.action_authorizer = "Decidim::Verifications::CustomCsvCensus::ActionAuthorizer"
# app/services/decidim/verifications/custom_csv_census/action_authorizer.rb
module Decidim
module Verifications
module CustomCsvCensus
class ActionAuthorizer < DefaultActionAuthorizer
# See the documentation for the parent class for implementation ideas.
Create a dummy app in your application (if not present):
bin/rails test_app
This will produce the dummy app and copy the config/custom_csv_census_initializer_example.rb
initializer in the dummy_app.
It will also produce and execute the custom_csv_census migrations.
And run tests with bundle exec rspec
AGPLv3 (same as Decidim)