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Cursif Backend

Cursif is a collaborative, scriptable, and flexible note-taking application that aims to help teams manage their projects.

Getting Started



Make sure you have installed the requirements above before continuing.

Connect your database

In the project root directory, locate and edit the file named .env. Add the following information inside.

export POSTGRES_USER=<your database username>
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<your database password>

Setup the application

  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup

Start the application:

Start Cursif with mix phx.server or inside IEx with iex -S mix phx.server (recommended for development). You can, now, consume the API from localhost:4000/api. You can test queries at localhost:4000/graphiql

To monitor the application, you can access the dashboard at localhost:4000/dashboard from your browser.


If the application fails to load the environment variable, execute source .env from the root directory

Advance configurations

For advanced configurations, visit the wiki




Absinthe & GraphQL


Contributions are always welcomed and appreciated! See the contribution guidelines.