This repository contains coding challenges and helpful snippets of code to help you build your first web application using Javascript.
- This README file
- Javascript coding challenges
- A web application project skeleton
- A license
You're reading the README file right now! READMEs are documents that explain a programming project. As you go through this project you'll find them in each folder explaining what every file does.
Coding challenges are the perfect introduction to Javascript. Before jumping into building an application it's important to learn the basics.
Our Code at Uni teachers have hand crafted educational and relatable problems for you to solve using Javascript. They get progressively harder as more programming concepts are introduced. You'll be forced to think laterally and combine what you've learned from previous exercises to solve some of the trickier ones.
Go to the coding challenges folder.
Building a web application from scratch is a great learning experience, but it's not the fastest. Code at Uni's Javascript course is intentionally accelerated so you get to learn about more of the technologies that matter in a short amount of time.
We've created a project skeleton of files and folders that you'll need to get your first application off the ground. Each of these files includes code comments explaining what purpose they serve and how they do that. Each folder will have a README file like this one you're reading now explaining the contents of the folder.
Go to the web app skeleton folder.
Including a license in the project is Code at Uni's way of explicitly stating what your rights are as someone copying and modifying this code. It's a common practice in software development to include licenses with code you release publicly (open source).
We've chosen the MIT license which is simple and permissive. It's one of a fair few options.
You can read more about software licenses here.