Releases: CleanTalk/security-malware-firewall
Releases · CleanTalk/security-malware-firewall
- Fix. FW update. A second delay required for hosting to avoid 429 errors
- Fix. FW update. Empty error on RC call fixed.
- Upd. Scan. Show all actions in suspicious accordion.
- Fix. Account status check. Unknown key fixed and logic refactored.
- Upd. Banners. Updated text.
- Fix. Scanner. Files count check. Ignoring symlinks improved.
- Upd. SecurityLog. Improved UX.
- Upd. Vulnerability Alarm. PSC badge. Now use research_url param to construct PSC details link for plugins/themes.
- Mod. White Label. Modification of the White Label mode
- Mod. Compare Scan Files. Removing the function of comparing scanned files
- Mod. Compare Scan Files. Removing the comparison functionality
- Mod. Compare Scan Files. Removing unnecessary css
- Fix. OSCron. Prevented error appear if function not exists.
- Upd. HTTP. API servers ping updated.
- Fix. HTTP. Ping. Handle case of socket_create unavailable.
- Fix. White Lable. Correction of WL mode operation
- Fix. SignatureAnalyser. Edit signature scanner
- Fix. White Label. Edits based on the review
- Upd. Scan. Added cure action for critical accordion.
- Fix. Settings. Prevented browser notice on 2fa save.
- Hotfix. Scanner. OS Cron. Fatal error fixed.
- Mod. Scanner tabs. View action. Remove non-existed file from table and scanner tab on view action.
- Fix. Scanner. Frontend malwares actions fixed.
- Fix. Cron. Added cast for value from database.
- Fix. UploadChecker. Fixed flow.
- Upd. Account data. Notice about auto-update is redundant, removed from state.
- Fix. BulkAction. Edit the use of confirm for BulkAction
- Upd. ScannerTbl. Remove the display of empty files in unknown
- New. Scanner. Added OSCron module.
- Fix. Deactivator. Drop table surface_completed_dirs
- Upd. Scan. Improved delete action.
- Upd. Settings. Improved scan tab render.
- Fix. Scanner. Cure stage. Correct curing if file has been modified with no renaming.
- Fix. Vulnerability alarm. False detected vulnerabilities fixed.
- Fix. Code. Code style fixed.
- Ref. Scanner. Cure. New manual cure attempts refactored.
- Fix. Scanner. Cure. Cure on modified files after once cure fixed.
- Upd. Scanner tabs. Accordion refresh after curing.
- Fix. Remote calls. Debug RC fatal error fixed.
- New. Code. New class SpbcEnqueue extends Enqueue to enqueue css/js scripts.
- Fix. Settings. Fixed backups links on site where wordpress installed not in root.
- Fix. Scanner. Cure. Fixed cci counters on manual run.
- New. Scanner. Several weakspots curing implemented. Weakspots workwith log implemented.
- Fix. Common libs. Signature analysis fixed on several equal signatures matches.
- Fix. Forgotten debug removed.
- Upd. Docs added and redundant separator removed.
- New. VulnerabilityAlarmService. Added output of PSC on plugins list page.
- Ref. Scanner. Cure. Restore. Restoring files refactored.
- Fix. Enqueue. Regex on webpath validate fixed.
- Fix. Enqueue. Regex on webpath validate fixed.
- Fix. Cure. Skip cure process on background if cure stage exists but setting is disabled.
- Fix. Heuristic. Variables. Fix non-numeric notice.
- Upd. Scanner. Cure. Next cure single tries will rescan files before cure.
- Fix. Cure. Fixed occasion if CCI is null.
- Fix. ScannerQueue. Debug state removed.
- Fix. ListTable. Added a data type check
- New. Plugin settings. Navigation bar implemented for settings general.
- Upd. Code. Removed the plugin dependency on jQuery for site public pages.
- Fix. Vulnerability Alarm. Fixed the name detection of module being checked.
- New. Admin Banners. Critical files warning banner implemented.
- Upd. Readme. Tagline, description has been updated.
- Upd. Readme. Tested up to: 6.7.
- Upd. Code. Psalm. Checking "prepare" SQL requests handled.
- Upd. Scan. Updated heuristic module.
- Upd. Frontend scanner. Exclusion domains list updated.
- Fix. Security logs. Fixed case when a lot of logs kept unsent.
- Fix. FSWatcher. The huge refactoring has been completed.
- Upd. Settings. Improved UX.
- Upd. Scan. Added scan logs to pdf export file and possibility to copy scan logs to clipboard.
- Fix. Firewall. Brute force protection for xmlrpc requests enabled.
- Upd. Code. Heuristic analyser common lib updated.
- Fix. FSWatcher. Check only for fswatcher actions on checkRateLimit().
- Fix. FSWatcher. Stripping filepath slashes on view action.
- Fix. Remote Calls. Remote calls calling without api key fixed.
- Fix. Vulnerability alarm. New API method
implemented. - Code. Refactoring. Estimated analysis time updater.
- Fix. Scanner. Restoring quarantine fixed.
- Fix. Scanner. Upload checker module fixed.