Example tool to render a template using data loaded from a YAML file. One intended use case: load an OSCAL style YAML file and render a Jinja2 template to produce the markdown for SSP front matter.
You can either run this in a self-contained Docker container (recommended) or installed locally using Python.
Running Secrender in a Docker container will allow you to use the tool without needing to install the required Python libraries, or, for that matter, Python.
Secrender has been packaged to run using the DrydockCloud pattern.
docker pull drydockcloud/ci-secrender
docker run -v $PWD:/src drydockcloud/ci-secrender --in my-config.yaml --template my-template.md.j2
To run Secrender natively, simply install the requirements using the command below.
pip install . # until secrender is in the cheese shop
secrender --in example-ssp.yaml --template example-ssp.md.j2 >ssp.md
- would be nice to validate input values against schema
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3 or any later version - see the LICENSE file for details.