CiviCRM extension for Dutch postcode checking
This extension uses a table with all the dutch postcodes to autocomplete the addresses on input.
This extension has also an API for retrieving the postcode by different parameters.
In order to use the pro6pp database import functionality you need PHP with the Zip extension enabled. See
The following api is available PostcodeNL get
You can use one the following query paramaters:
- id
- postcode
- huisnummer
- adres
- woonplaats
- gemeente
Return value The api returns the following fields
- id
- postcode_nr four digits of the postcode e.g. 6716
- postcode_letter the two letters of the postcode e.g. RG
- huisnummer_van Start of the serie of housenumbers, e.g. 1 indicates the serie start at number 1
- huisnummer_tot End of the serie of housenumbers, e.g. 100 indicates the serie ends at number 100
- even *Is the housenumber serie for even numbers (1) or odd numbers (0)
- adres Street name
- provincie Province
- gemeente municipality
- woonplaats city
- wijk area
- buurt neighbourhoud
There is an autocomplete available. You can use the autocomplete on any field by adding the follwoing code:
<script type="text/javascript">
cj(function() {
var gemeenteUrl = "/civicrm/ajax/postcodenl/autocomplete?reset=1&field=gemeente";
cj('#gemeente').autocomplete( gemeenteUrl, {
width : 280,
selectFirst : true,
matchContains: true
Field to use in the autocomplete are
- adres
- woonplaats
- provincie
- gemeente
- cbs_buurtnaam
This extension provides a default mechanism for the address editing forms to autocomplete addresses by querieng the API.
It is recommended to enable Address Parsing under Administer --> Localisation --> Address settings.
Other extensions provide mechanisms to fill up the database table civicrm_postcodenl which contains all the postcode data. The reason for seperating this is so that we can focus on a working mechanism and other extension could focus on reading a certain format of the postcode table, e.g. the information from the kadaster, BAG is in XML, the information from d-centralize is in csv etc...
This extension reuses the core templates CRM/Contact/Form/Edit/Address/street_addresses.tpl and CRM/Contact/Form/Edit/Address.tpl
The following hooks are available in this module
- hook_postcodenl_get this hook is called after the api has queried the database. A feature you could build with the hook is to use it in your own module to call a webservice from e.g. d-centralize.