Username and Password are in the config file located on VM
This application serves two purposes:
A form that enables the examiner to enter information about a plan approval:
- AP Number(s)
- Package Type: Roll/ Flat
- Location: Bins/ Large Plan/ Zoning/ Electrical/ Plumbing
- Number of Sheets
A search form that enables the service rep to search a database by AP number and retrieve necessary data:
- Permit Information:
- Address
- AP Type/Permit Description
- Examiner who approved the application
- Date Advanced to Plans Reviewed Stage
- Plan Information:
- Package (from App)
- Location (from App)
- Number of Sheets (from Hansen App tab)
- Comments
- Permit Information:
The data repository used for this form is stored in the following tables on PERMITP: eclipse_plan_app_plan, eclipse_plan_app_permit, and eclipse_plan_app_plan_permit. Combined data from Eclipse and Hansen is ETL'd into eclipse_plan_app_permit nightly through the use of a scheduled process (see the etl folder).
Some historical notes: As of 9/19/2019 becuause of issues running the query this ETL process was split into two parts -- first the data from Hansen is loaded into an MVW on GISLNI via our standard MVW refresh process; and then second the etl script in this repo updates plan_app_permit by joining the data from that MVW to lni_addr. On 1/14/20 we started using a separate database just for this app -- PERMITP.
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Get the file from me and put it in your base project directory
- Make sure li_dbs is either in this same directory or in your Python\Lib\site-packages folder.
$ python etl/
$ export FLASK_APP=li_permit_plan_form
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ flask run
$ export FLASK_APP=wsgi
$ flask run