Our platform is made up client facing applications using React.js and Next.js and an API built with Nestjs based on the Clean Architecture, SOLID principles, and Domain-Driven Design best practices using TypeScript. These principles should help us isolate logic so that we can eventually migrate to a micro service to assist with scaling.
View location details
As a director, I want to view specific location details within my company so that better manage and report on sales and engagement per location.
Acceptance Criteria
- Must be able to view all program's locations
- Must be able to view the tree structure of a program
- Programs can be made up of regions and locations
We will review some of the highlevel topics within React such as functional components, JSX, conditional rendering and basic hooks.
- Create a component that displays the tree
- On click update the url to the node id
- Depending on URL display the node on page load
- Create an endpoint for list of locations
- Add and validate an email address
- Create an endpoint for tree