A Python package enabling simple access to the PX Cloud REST API.
Partner Experience (PX) Cloud for Success Tracks is the Cisco partner's digital experience where they can connect with Cisco and their customers. It aims to transform customer-partner relationships by providing business and technology insights, such as customer lifecycle journeys, access to customer CX Cloud dashboards, partner offers, and more.
More info: PX Cloud
The PX Cloud REST API enables partner applications to integrate PX Cloud portal data and functionality via an easy-to-use REST interface. With this API, partners can access customer life-cycle data and develop innovative, customized services, adding unique value to their customers' business networks.
Available customer data include: organization details, contract information, Success Track analytics, and hardware asset reports.
More info: PX Cloud API
Python >=3.6
If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
pip install git+https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/px-cloud-python-sdk.git
(you may need to run pip
with root permission: sudo pip install git+https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/px-cloud-python-sdk.git
Then import the package you need:
import pxcloud_api_client
Install via Setuptools.
python setup.py install --user
(or sudo python setup.py install
to install the package for all users)
Then import the package:
import pxcloud_api_client
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import time
import pxcloud_api_client
from pprint import pprint
from pxcloud_api_client.api import compliance_api
from pxcloud_api_client.model.asset_violations_response import AssetViolationsResponse
from pxcloud_api_client.model.assets_violations_response import AssetsViolationsResponse
from pxcloud_api_client.model.assets_with_violations_response import AssetsWithViolationsResponse
from pxcloud_api_client.model.error_response import ErrorResponse
from pxcloud_api_client.model.opt_in_response import OptInResponse
from pxcloud_api_client.model.policy_rule_details import PolicyRuleDetails
from pxcloud_api_client.model.suggestions_response import SuggestionsResponse
from pxcloud_api_client.model.violation_summary_response import ViolationSummaryResponse
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to https://api-cx.cisco.com/px
# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = pxcloud_api_client.Configuration(
host = "https://api-cx.cisco.com/px"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: oAuth2
configuration = pxcloud_api_client.Configuration(
host = "https://api-cx.cisco.com/px"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with pxcloud_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = compliance_api.ComplianceApi(api_client)
success_track_id = "successTrackId_example" # str |
source_system_id = "sourceSystemId_example" # str |
customer_id = "customerId_example" # str |
asset_id = "assetId_example" # str |
offset = 1 # int | (optional) (default to 1)
max = 10 # int | (optional) (default to 10)
# Get the violations of the asset
api_response = api_instance.asset_violations(success_track_id, source_system_id, customer_id, asset_id, offset=offset, max=max)
except pxcloud_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ComplianceApi->asset_violations: %s\n" % e)
The auth.py generates the authorization tokens to access the PXCloud.
For more info see example.py which shows the usage of the auth.py.
All URIs are relative to https://api-cx.cisco.com/px/v1
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ComplianceApi | asset_violations | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/compliance/assetViolations | Get the violations of the asset |
ComplianceApi | assets_with_violations | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/compliance/assetsWithViolations | Get the asset summary |
ComplianceApi | opt_in | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/compliance/optIn | optIn status |
ComplianceApi | policy_rule_details | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/compliance/policyRuleDetails | Returns information about the policy the rule belongs to |
ComplianceApi | suggestions | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/compliance/suggestions | Get the Suggestions filtered upon Severity (if given), for summary tab |
ComplianceApi | violations | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/compliance/violations | Get the violation summary of a customer |
ComplianceApi | violations_assets | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/compliance/violations/assets | Get the violation details of impacted assets for the customer, and selected policy Group, Policy and Rule |
ContractsApi | contract_details | GET /v1/contract/details | Get the list of contracts Details from flat table. It supports pagination , filtering and sorting |
ContractsApi | contracts | GET /v1/contracts | Get the list of customer contracts for a particular partner. It supports pagination with offset and limit parameters , filtering and sorting |
CrashRiskApi | asset_risk_factors | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/crashRisk/assets/{assetIdBase64}/riskFactors | Get risk factors of a device |
CrashRiskApi | assets | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/crashRisk/assets | Get devices which are at risk of crash owned by a customer, sorted by risk score in descending order by default |
CrashRiskApi | assets_crashed | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/crashRisk/assetsCrashed | Get the list of crashed devices for last given time period |
CrashRiskApi | crash_history | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/crashRisk/asset/{assetIdBase64}/crashHistory | Get the device crash-detail - Asset 360(time stamp, reset reason) |
CrashRiskApi | similar_assets | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/crashRisk/assets/{assetIdBase64}/similarAssets | Get similar assets based on the similarity score |
CustomerDataApi | lifecycle | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/lifecycle | Get customer lifecycle |
CustomerDataApi | report_summary | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/reports/{reportId} | Get the report |
CustomerDataApi | reports | POST /v1/customers/{customerId}/reports | Request customer data reports as bulk files |
CustomersApi | customers | GET /v1/customers | Fetch list of customers paginated for a given partner Id |
FaultsApi | fault_affected_assets | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/faults/{faultId}/affectedAssets | Affected Assets |
FaultsApi | fault_history | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/faults/{faultId}/affectedAssets/{assetName}/faultHistory | Assets Fault History |
FaultsApi | fault_summary | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/faults/{faultId}/summary | Fault summary |
FaultsApi | faults | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/faults | Faults details |
InsightsApi | software_group_assets | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/software/softwareGroups/assets | Asset information in the Software Group |
InsightsApi | software_group_field_notices | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/software/softwareGroups/suggestions/fieldNotices | Software Group - Suggestions Field Notices |
InsightsApi | software_group_security_advisories | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/software/softwareGroups/suggestions/securityAdvisories | Software Group - Suggestions Security Advisories |
InsightsApi | software_group_suggestions | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/software/softwareGroups/suggestions | Software Group Suggestions |
InsightsApi | software_group_suggestions_bugs | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/software/softwareGroups/suggestions/bugs | Software Group - Suggestions Bugs |
InsightsApi | software_groups | GET /v1/customers/{customerId}/insights/software/softwareGroups | Software Group Information |
PartnerDataApi | success_tracks | GET /v1/successTracks | Success Tracks |
PartnerOffersDataApi | partner_offers | GET /v1/partnerOffers | Get Partner Offers |
PartnerOffersSessionsDataApi | partner_offers_sessions | GET /v1/partnerOffersSessions | Get Partner Offers Session data |
V1ContractsWithCustomersApi | contracts_with_customers | GET /v1/contractsWithCustomers | Get the Outbound Contracts With Customers |
- AccSessionAttendees
- AffectedAssets
- AffectedAssetsResponse
- Asset
- AssetError
- AssetResponse
- AssetSession
- AssetViolation
- AssetViolationsResponse
- AssetsFaultHistory
- AssetsFaultHistoryResponse
- AssetsViolations
- AssetsViolationsResponse
- AssetsWithViolations
- AssetsWithViolationsResponse
- Contract
- ContractDetails
- ContractDetailsResponse
- ContractDetailsV2Response
- ContractResponse
- ContractV2
- ContractV2Details
- ContractsV2Response
- Crash
- CrashRiskDevice
- CrashRiskDevices
- Customer
- CustomerDetails
- CustomerInfo
- CustomerResponse
- DeviceCrashDetail
- DeviceDetail
- DeviceRiskFactors
- DeviceRiskFactorsResponse
- ErrorResponse
- Faults
- FaultsResponse
- FaultsSummary
- FaultsSummaryResponse
- InventoryCrashDetails
- OptInResponse
- Pagination
- PartnerAsset
- PartnerAssetResponse
- PartnerOffer
- PartnerOfferAttendee
- PartnerOfferSession
- PartnerOfferWithSessions
- PartnerOffersInfo
- PolicyRuleDetails
- RacetrackBuid
- RacetrackBuidPitstop
- RacetrackBuidPitstopAction
- RacetrackBuidSolution
- RacetrackTooltip
- RacetrackUsecase
- ReleaseSummary
- Report
- ReportStatus
- SimilarDeviceData
- SimilarDevices
- SoftwareGroup
- SoftwareGroupBugs
- SoftwareGroupBugsResponse
- SoftwareGroupFieldNotices
- SoftwareGroupFieldNoticesResponse
- SoftwareGroupResponse
- SoftwareGroupRisk
- SoftwareGroupSecurityAdvisories
- SoftwareGroupSecurityAdvisoriesResponse
- SoftwareGroupSuggestions
- SolutionMapping
- SuccessTrackChecklistMapping
- SuccessTrackMapping
- SuccessTracks
- Suggestion
- SuggestionSummary
- SuggestionSummaryAdvisoriesSeverity
- SuggestionSummaryAdvisoriesSeverityExposed
- SuggestionSummaryAdvisoriesSeverityFixed
- SuggestionSummaryAdvisoriesSeverityNewExposed
- SuggestionSummaryBugSeverity
- SuggestionSummaryBugSeverityExposed
- SuggestionSummaryBugSeverityFixed
- SuggestionSummaryBugSeverityNewExposed
- SuggestionSummaryFeaturesCount
- SuggestionSummaryFieldNoticeSeverity
- SuggestionSummaryFieldNoticeSeverityExposed
- SuggestionSummaryFieldNoticeSeverityFixed
- SuggestionSummaryFieldNoticeSeverityNewExposed
- SuggestionsResponse
- ViolationSummary
- ViolationSummaryResponse
The access token authentication request is based on the OAuth client credentials grant flow, which is a single HTTP transaction, not requiring user interaction to complete.
More info: Authentication for PX Cloud API
For FAQs and Troubleshooting please make use of the official forum cisco communities
If the OpenAPI document is large, imports in pxcloud_api_client.apis and pxcloud_api_client.models may fail with a RecursionError indicating the maximum recursion limit has been exceeded. In that case, there are a couple of solutions:
Solution 1: Use specific imports for apis and models like:
from pxcloud_api_client.api.default_api import DefaultApi
from pxcloud_api_client.model.pet import Pet
Solution 2: Before importing the package, adjust the maximum recursion limit as shown below:
import sys
import pxcloud_api_client
from pxcloud_api_client.apis import *
from pxcloud_api_client.models import *