It will classify the job posting are fake or not
We use Kaggle
job posting dataset
- Cindy Alifia P. (
- Pratama Yoga S. (
Our dataset fis available on kaggle
In this dataset we have 17880 rows data that contains label for each rows. The label is a binary 0 and 1 is available in column fraudulent. 0 is a label for real job posting and 1 is for fake job posting therefore this problem is belong to the supervised learning.
Because this problem is a supervised learning problem means that we already have label for each data and we want to build prediction about new data whether its fake or real job posting. We got an validation accuracy 95.5% which is very good.
- Tensorflow version 2.1.0
- Pandas version 0.23.4
- Numpy version 1.16.1
- Matplotlib version 2.2.3
- seaborn version 0.7.1
In machine learning, we have to split our data into data training and data validation. We must have data validation to know whether is a good model to do prediction or not. If we do prediction to our data validation and already have a score and then we think that the score of the accuracy is not good enough, so we can improve the model by tuning the hyperparameter to get the better result. In this problem we split our data to 67% data training and the rest for validation.
A numeric column is the simplest type of column. It is used to represent real valued features. We apply this feature to these columns ('telecommuting', 'has_company_logo', 'has_questions')
We cannot input strings directly to a model. Instead, we must first map strings to numeric or categorical values. We apply this feature to these columns ('employment_type', 'required_experience', 'required_education', 'industry', 'function')
We got an accuracy 95.5% for the data validation, and we save our model in folder 'model'.