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The Darkest Timeline (Retired)

Chysn edited this page Jun 10, 2022 · 2 revisions

Note: The Darkest Timeline has been rewritten for Hemisphere Suite 1.4. Please see the new documentation at

The Darkest Timeline is a 32-step sequencer with CV recording, probability-based triggers, alternate realities, and a CV-adjustable index point.


  • Digital Input 1: Advance forward one step
  • Digital Input 2: Advance backward one step
  • Digital Input 3: Reset to the index point
  • CV Input 1: Record value (0-5V) for the CV Timeline
  • CV Input 2: Record value (0-5V) for the Probability Timeline
  • CV Input 3: Set the index point
  • Up Button: Toggle recording to the CV Timeline. The active step (the leftmost step) will display a blinking cursor when recording. Long hold: enter screensaver mode, per usual.
  • Down Button: Toggle recording to the Probability Timeline. The active step will display a blinking cursor when recording. Long hold: clear both timelines.
  • Left Encoder: Set sequence length (fewer steps to the right, like you're "zooming in")
  • Left Button (Long hold): Randomize both timelines and set index point to 0
  • Right Button: Toggle the function of the Right Encoder between changing the active step and editing the index point. The index point indicator (the vertical bar) will become a solid blinking line when editing the index point.
  • Right Encoder: Move within the sequence or change the index point (see button function above)
  • Output A: Normal Reality CV, the values that you see on the screen from the CV Timeline.
  • Output B: Alternate Reality CV, the values that come after the values that you see on the screen.
  • Output C: Normal Reality Trigger, a 6ms trigger based on the Probability Timeline. All the way up, the trigger will fire. All the way down, it won't. Everywhere else, it's more likely to fire if the bar is higher.
  • Output D: Alternate Reality Trigger, a 6ms trigger based on the complement of the value from the Probability Timeline. All the way up, the trigger will not fire. All the way down, it will. Everywhere else, it's more likely to fire if the bar is lower.

Saving Sequence Data

There are two ways to save sequence data for later use. The first way is the usual Ornament and Crime way: Long-press the right encoder to get to the main menu, then long-press the right encoder again to save all app data to EEPROM.

When you long-press the right encoder to go back to the main menu, The Darkest Timeline initiates a set of four system exclusive dumps that contain all sequence data, as well as length and index point. Capture and save these dumps with SysEx Librarian software. To restore sequence data, send these dumps back to The Darkest Timeline while it is running. This feature is available starting with Hemisphere Suite v1.3.

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