A simple to use ACL for CodeIgniter
CodeIgniter is a great PHP-Framework with a lot of features. However it does not provide a ACL from ground up.
An ACL, short for Access Control List, is simple and easy maintainable way of controlling permissions.
This ACL is based on the post_controller_constructor
hook of CodeIgniter.
Download the hook acl.php
Place the file into application/hooks
Open the main config file and change
$config['enable_hooks'] = FALSE; to $config['enable_hooks'] = TRUE;
Hook the acl class into the system by editing
$hook['post_controller_constructor'] = array( 'class' => 'ACL', 'function' => 'auth', 'filename' => 'acl.php', 'filepath' => 'hooks' );
Now you just need to add your rules: In the contstructor of the class:
$this->role_field = 'role_id';
This is the name of field in the session which indicates the role id of the user
Now you can add rules like this:
$this->perms[<ROLE_ID>][<CONTROLLER>][<METHOD>] = true;
The first array is setting the rule for the role id. The next two values are defining the controller and method.
$this->perms[2]['admin']['index'] = true;
This for example will allow everyone with the
role_id 2
to accessBASE_URL/admin(/index)
Please make sure, that you need a need a field in your session with the role id!
Note that role id
is reserved for guests! -
Inheritance is NOT supportet at this point in time!
A good way to control redirect.