Various cogs (modules) of various uses and themes for the Red-DiscordBot project. Some may be more opinionated and specialized than others.
- ensure the downloader cog is loaded
[p]load downloader
- add the repo to Red
[p]repo add Dumb-Cogs
- install the cog(s) of your choice
[p]cog install Dumb-Cogs <cog>
Monsters invade your server and your server members must fight them by spamming reactions.
Rewards and penalties are customizable.
Creates pictures and gifs out of PICO-8 code
PICO-8 is a fantasy console (an emulator for a console that doesn't exist). It's a delightful tool for making games and prototypes.
You can get PICO-8 yourself here or play around with the education version in your browser (but you can't copy/paste sprites directly from the education version)
Want to suggest ideas or contribute changes? Please check out the
- The wonderful PICO-8 software is made by Joseph White (zep)
- I think the code_cleanup function in the PICO-8 cog is comes from a derivitive of the repl command from RoboDanny.
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