- Ananth M Athreya Github
- Ashwin Dharmavaram Github
- Aditi Shastri Github
- Manojith Bhat Github
- Chirag Hariprasad Github
This repository contains the resources of the following 2nd year courses in the 2022 scheme of AIML department(Some courses may be helpful for other CS-allied branches), RV College of Engineering
- Mathematics for AIML(MAIML)-MAT231ET
- Fundamentals of Data Structures and Data Analysis(DSDA)-AI233AI
- Foundations of Cyber Physical Systems(FCPS)-AI234AI
- Statistics For Data Science-AI235AT
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning-AI244AI
- Data Structures and Applications-IS233AI
- Operating Systems-CS235AI
- Linear Algebra and Probability Theory-MAT231CT
- Discrete Mathematical Structures and Combinatorics(DMS)-CS241AT
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms(DAA)-CD343AI
- Computer Networks(CN)-CY245AT
- Environment and Sustainability-CV242AT
- Bio Safety Standards and Ethics-BT232AT
- Material Science for Engineers-ME232AT/ME242AT3
For the study material for a few courses of nptel, click here
- Any notes and question papers related to second year courses(Not limited to AIML and CS-allied branches) of the 2022 scheme of RVCE can be contributed.
- The file size should not exceed 100 MB. If you want to add any textbook, then add only those chapters relevant to the course units must be added.
- If you are familiar with using GitHub:
- If you want to add materials to a course that is not there on this repo, create a folder and send a push request.
- Otherwise, just add files to the course folder and send a push request. You will get credits.
- If you are not familiar with using GitHub, then please send materials to ananthmathreya@gmail.com