Yandex::Metrika - It's module to get access to Yandex.Metrika API via OAuth
use Yandex::Metrika;
my $metrika = Yandex::Metrika->new( token => '*******************************', counter => 1234567 );
$metrika->set_per_page( 20 ); # optional, default 100
$metrika->set_pretty( 1 ); # optional, default 1
$metrika->user_vars({ date1 => '20150501', date2 => '20150501', table_mode => 'tree', group => 'all' });
# if answer contains {links}->{next} you can load next page by
$metrika->user_vars({ next => 1});
# show next link
say $metrika->next_url;
Yandex::Metrika is using Yandex::OAuth::Client as base class to get access. API methods are mapped to object methods. See api docs for parameters and response formats at
Looking for contributors for this and other Yandex.APIs
- traffic()
- conversion()
- sites()
- search_engines()
- phrases()
- social_networks()
- marketing()
- direct_summary()
- direct_platforms_all()
- direct_platform_types()
- direct_regions()
- tags()
- geo()
- interest()
- demography_age()
- demography_gender()
- demography_structure()
- deepness_time()
- deepness_depth()
- hourly()
- popular()
- entrance()
- exit()
- titles()
- url_param()
- share_services()
- share_titles()
- links()
- downloads()
- user_vars()
- ecommerce()
- browsers()
- os()
- display_all()
- display_groups()
- mobile_devices()
- mobile_phones()
- flash()
- silverlight()
- java()
- cookies()
- javascript()
- load()
- load_minutely_24()
- load_minutely_all()
- robots_all()
- robot_types()
Copyright (C) Andrey Kuzmin.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Andrey Kuzmin