Changing Windows one build at a time
ChangeWindows Preview
ChangeWindows has been around for as long as the Windows Insider Program has been around and ever since that faitful day on 1 October 2014, our goal has been the same: do what Microsoft doesn't do: document every change we can possibly find in Windows on any platform.
This repository is a big shift for ChangeWindows from the previous 4 major versions. Not only is this the first time we're publishing the actual source of our website, we're also using for the first time a framework, in this case Laravel, to build our website. Not only because we're lazy, but also because it makes things a lot simpeler and cleaner.
ChangeWindows 5.0 is still in development when you're reading this. Before we put this major revamp of our website online, we want to have reached feature parity with what we currently have, and that will take a while. We have to catch up with over 2,5 year of development.
Initialy, ChangeWindows 5 will only provide a Backstage to manage the content visible on ChangeWindows. The user-facing part of the website will continue to run on the ChangeWindows 4-codebase. Version 4.12 will focus on supporting ChangeWindows 5 beta as its new Backstage and thus will remove the Backstage used in ChangeWindows thus far.
When ChangeWindows 5.0 launches, it should have near feature-parity with ChangeWindows 4.12.
We are open to contributions to ChangeWindows. Do you have a feature that you really want to see but we are not spending any time on it ourselves? Feel free to open a pull request for it!
If you discover a security vulnerability within ChangeWindows, please send an e-mail to us at All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
The ChangeWindows website is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license. Note however that the content on our website isn't.