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Development Guidelines

Matthias edited this page Nov 5, 2019 · 4 revisions

These are the development guidelines for programming new and updating existing apps in our repository.

Make sure to stay as close to these guidelines as possible. Of course they are no fully binding rules, i.e. if you should code only at maximum 500 lines of code in one file, it does not matter if you reach 520 lines. However, exceeding this limit considerably should be avoided. This also counts for every other rule explained on the following pages.

At first, the general workflow is presented.
Then, the underlying Bokeh structure is investigated to see how you MUST structure your files in order that Bokeh can run an app properly.
Secondly, we advise to comply to a specific coding style such that a larger group of developers can understand each code of any app and is therefore capable to find and fix errors or adjust some functions in a short amount of time.
Afterwards, some standard elements will be listed that arise repeatedly in several apps, such as masses or springs.
Then, we focus on the LaTeX support to be able to display mathematical symbols in familiar LaTeX style.
Finally, we list deprecated functions since Bokeh is in constant development and some functions used frequently in our apps may have to be exchanged.

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