In this exercise, I build Linear Regression, Decision Tree and Forward Neural Network models using mlpack, a fast, header-only C++ machine learning library. I then expose the models' functions via a REST API using Crow, a C++ Web Services Framework.
The task is to predict the likelihood of a customer defaulting on telco payments based on their telco data. The customer dataset I used contains information about a fictional telco company that provides home phone and Internet services to 7048 customers. It indicates which customers have left, stayed, or signed up for their service.
C++14 compiler (For mlpack)
mlpack >= 4.2.0
- Clone the repository
- Run the makefile to build all files
To just run the application,
- Go to Releases
- Download ml-app.o
- Run the command
POST /lr/predict // Use the linear regression model
POST /dt/predict // Use the decision tree model
POST /nn/predict // Use the neural network model
Post a json object of customer data. Returns the model prediction.
Sample Data:
"gender": "Female",
"SeniorCitizen": 0,
"Partner": "Yes",
"Dependents": "Yes",
"tenure": 58.0,
"PhoneService": "No",
"MultipleLines": "No phone service",
"InternetService": "DSL",
"OnlineSecurity": "No",
"OnlineBackup": "No",
"DeviceProtection": "Yes",
"TechSupport": "Yes",
"StreamingTV": "Yes",
"StreamingMovies": "Yes",
"Contract": "Two year",
"PaperlessBilling": "Yes",
"PaymentMethod": "Electronic check",
"MonthlyCharges": 55.5,
"TotalCharges": 1421
Predictions: 0.2546
GET /lr/stats
GET /dt/stats
GET /nn/stats
Returns the metrics about the model.
precision recall f1-score support
0 0.83 0.91 0.87 4.7e+03
1 0.67 0.5 0.57 9.4e+02
GET /generate
Generates the models, dataset encoders and scalars and saves them to disk. Response:
Models generated!
GET /load
Loads the previously generated models, dataset encoders and scalars into memory.
Models loaded!