This repository contains the different apps created to recognize a mouvement by the IMU LSM6DSOX and each app documentations as well.
Record IMU App - This application allows one to register classes logs that the decision tree will recognize with the LSM6DSOX's Data of the robot Leka which has the spike lk_imu_app running.
Convert - This application allows one to create new files of moving average or difference between two data from a log file. (Record IMU App can do it automatically after each recording but this line is commented by default)
Logs Viewer Tool - This application allows one to visualize logs recordings. (Possibility to superpose Raw Logs with Moving Average Logs for instance)
Decision Tree Generator - This algorithm allows one to generate easily a decision tree from logs recordings. (Easily configurable in one line in the terminal)
Further information of each app in their respective folder. (