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this is a simple project to make a Voice Assistant with Mycroft AI on Raspberry Pi

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Why I try to achieve this

I've always be curious about Voice Assistant since its debut, just due to the cost for research hinder me from make one for myself. Am happy to have the support of school course, and see a (once thought) fine model based on Python as well. Since I love to listen to music at leisure time, I just want to change into my bot for music playing and downloader. So, there we are.

System Using at The Moment

  • Raspberry Pi 4
  • 32 GB SD-Card
  • Python 3.7.3
  • Picroft (Stable Image) on Sep. 07, 2020

Basic Design

So I need Mycroft as core of V.A., adding Nextcloud to use spare disk space. We also need some other source to know if the V.A. is working or not, so adding some more component for more possibilities.

{ Flash Picroft Image }

First, go get yourself Picroft, please make sure you download the stable image on 2020-09-07.

then follow up the RPi Official Document to flash it into Raspberry Pi.


Please making sure you're using Wi-Fi 2.4G for Picroft to create connection. I was using 5.0G and finally found out the problem during Mycroft-Setup-Wizard, so I'm not sure if setting up Wi-Fi insde Imager would work or not. But if you succeed to connect the device with SSH, congrats you save cost for a useless, expensive HDMI converter.

{ Setup Picroft }


I recommend setting up everything during the Mycroft-Setup-Wizard to avoid manual file edits. The mycroft-setup-wizard command has been broken for a long time actually.


Embrace the guided setup for clearer instructions, or why would you turn down such hospitality?


Reading the Logs

For debugging purpose, we oftenly need to check the logs for exceptions, and you could find them at /var/log/mycroft
Screenshot 2023-12-16 110332


You may pay a visit to Official Document to get better known with these files

Updateing Packages

Guessing the official forgot to defined version of python package, much of them are not working with outdated pip and package, please do as following. mycroft-pip install --upgrade pip

Paring Device

  1. Register or Login your account at Mycroft AI.
  2. On the left side-menu >> My Mycroft >> Devices.
  3. Setup the default config for all device on the first time.
  4. Press 'Add Device' and connect your Picroft with the 6-digit-code provided in Mycroft CLI >> History.

You should see something alike as below, and please make sure the mycroft-version is displayed to confirm the connection.

Changing Text-to-Speech Engine

If you can hear the audio output while mic testing, but no sound while running response in CLI, likewise, it's probally the default package of mycroft-mimic3-tts is also outdated and causing no sound output. I've met the error but unable to fix the python package conflict. So, I simply change the TTS module to Google. Simply run mycroft-config set tts.module "google", then the user config will change automatically.

If you wish to change the language output, may please hit mycroft-config edit user, you should see the file as below.

  "max_allowed_core_version": 21.2,
  "tts": {
    "module": "google",

then change it like so (example for English(UK))

  "max_allowed_core_version": 21.2,
  "tts": {
    "module": "google",
    "google": {
      "lang": "en-uk"


You may visit Officual Document for more choices on TTS Engine, or you may vist gTTS to see the supported language and accent.

SSL Cerificate Expired

Screenshot 2024-01-07 143432

I just found SSL got Verfied Failed after like a month. So here's the instruction how I get a new SSL certificate.

  1. Run mycroft-pip install --upgrade certifi to get the latest version of package for SSL certificate.
  2. Run sudo apt-get install ca-certificates to get a new certificate.

There you go, so simple and not even to walkthrough registration procedure like Let's Encrypt, enough for personal usage.

{ Client Bus }

Although simply using the Mycroft provide much function, we want to catch or set the I/O to make more expansion.

Basic Usage

After the fixes above, you should be able to use the CLI and getting audio output now. You can simply input some text in CLI, or try-out the wake word, after hearing a alert sound, it start recording.

Custom Skill for Music


There are finely built Mycroft-Skills in Marketplace for Spofity and Pandora already, but as buyer prefered Hi-Res Audio, I don't wish to waste more money on stream service subscription cost, so I just tried hard to fetch music on YouTube by searching for URL. The basic concept is just taking the input text, and use it to serach YouTube link with Pytube, then download and convert it into .mp3 files.


The undone source code is in folder python-ext, and yes, it is still be editing so named it. Make sure to change the download_directory at [Line 53] as well.

{ Nextcloud Server }

With much storage un-used, I hit upon this idea to use it as NextCloud Server to store 'secret files' and also work as where Mycroft downloads the audio to.

Folllow up the guide here (2nd method) to host nextCloud without flashing the image.

Updating Linux Settings

Screenshot 2023-12-30 143613 The default settings of Mycroft Stable Image actually stopped you from any changes to Operating System (OS), so you need to use the following command to rewrite the settings and also update OS.
sudo apt-get --allow-releaseinfo-change update

Installing Required Package

Here's the doc of system requirements. I decided to use php8.2.

Yet on Raspberry Pi, the latest PHP version recognized by apt is merely version 7.3, so we need to make following changes to install higher versions:

  1. Run the following commands to create source of PHP sudo wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg echo "deb buster main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php.list sudo apt update
  2. Run sudo apt install php8.2 to install core functions of PHP 8.2.
  3. Run sudo apt install php8.2-zip php8.2-xml php8.2-mbstring php8.2-gd php8.2-curl to install all required extensions.
  4. Run sudo apt install php8.2-mysql to ensure database drivers.


Keep away from PHP Official Site to download tar.gz for version 8.2 to your local personal computer, my anti-virus software Kaspersky reported it with Torjan. Better safe than sorry.

[!TIP] You can check the version of PHP by running php -v. image

After the installation of PHP, we need to connect it with our web server.

Then to host a web server, I am using my most accustomed launcher -- Apache2, which the config file is also similar to Nginx. Now we followed the instructions to install our needs. Let's install MariaDB along side, which should be version 10.3.

  1. Run sudo apt install apache2 mariadb-server libapache2-mod-php to install required package.
  2. If you have any older version, run sudo a2dismod php<old-version> to disable it first.
  3. Run sudo a2enmod php8.2 to enable the module, then restart your Apache server.

Setting-Up Database

Ere we jump into nextcloud console, we need to configure a database for it's data beforehand.

  1. Run sudo mysql to get into MySQL with root without password.
  2. Run CREATE USER 'nextcloud' IDENTIFIED BY '<PASSWORD>'; to create a new MySQL user.
  3. Run CREATE DATABASE nextcloud; to create a new database, then run GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nextcloud.* TO 'nextcloud'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY '<PASSWORD>'; to give user the permission of the newly created database.
  4. Run FLUSH PRIVILEGES; to reload settings, then run quit; to leave MySQL console.

Installing Nextcloud Web-Pack

Thanks to manys' efforts, there's also public released Nextcloud web-pack, please followed the instructions below.

  1. Use cd /var/www to get under the default Apache web-pack storage.
  2. Use sudo wget to start downloading the ZIP file.
  3. Use sudo unzip to un-zip the web-package, which should be named nextcloud. image

Implemeting Nextcloud Web-Pack

To have the easiest way, we can simply change the folder name nextcloud to html, the target of default Apache config. Although I always recommend to create a new config file, let's close-an-eye on it for the basic to everyone.

  1. After re-naming, use sudo service apache2 restart to restart the service and
  2. Use sudo chown www-data:www-data html -R in directory /var/www to give the Apache permission to read the folder, or there will be a blank webpage.
  3. the new website should be host on <DEVICE_IP>:80. image
  4. Follow the steps then install nextcloud.
  5. Get youself a nice drink and dessert to watch a movie, just don't close the long-awaiting installation.
  6. After installation for file storage is done, it will ask you if other functions is needed, let's just skip them. image
  7. Hurrah, we've settled our own cloud storage in the Raspberry Pi now. image

But you may experience the below situation when connected from outside even with the same private network.

You need to edit config file at /var/www/html/config/config.php, edit the array with the Nextcloud Server IPv4 for trust_domains. Then restart Apache server.
Screenshot 2024-01-07 144340

Store Pytube Music

As I mentioned, I wish it to be also where the Mycroft save downlaoded music at. To save file to system root /var/www requires super user permission, but using sudo only will be outside python-venv causing lots of error. So we need to use following code: sudo -E /home/pi/mycroft-core/.venv/bin/python /home/pi/{FILE_PATH} to run inside the python-venv of Mycroft.

After this done, you may test out the code, waiting for downloads, and you should find it in sotrage of Nextcloud.
image image


There's a problem is that using webpack to self-build doesn't have function to auto-sync files in folder, so it's not yet able to see downloads inside GUI.

{ Web Buildup }


The source code is full pack named apiweb inside folder python-ext


Mycroft CLI must be running to enable text input

To easily control and enable text input from outside Mycroft CLI, I use ChatGPT to modify a simple FLASK Website, and there's no connected databse or text file to keep the history. You are please to modify then do the following to get it hosted.

  1. Run python to host it on port 5000 defined in file.
  2. You could add it to Mycroft's, or take this doc to learn how to host it on startup with Apache.


{ Device Buildup}


All involved in Mycroft Skill must have Mycroft CLI running first

It's finally time for us to build our device with electronic devices. Due to time and difficulity, I only got following done.

Time Display


The source code is named inside folder python-ext

I'm using the component based on TM1637, which have python package tm1637 for easy way to display numbers. Let's move on.

  1. Run mycroft-pip install raspberrypi-tm1637 to get the package first.
  2. For the circuit, connect CLK with GPIO23, and DIO with GPIO24. Find any ground pin for GND and 5V for the VCC.
  3. Run python to manually test it, then you can add it into Mycroft's with its path.


You can change brightness higher from 0 to 7, at [Line 13]


LED - Mycroft Status Display


My both tri-colour LED just got dead, so I modify sir Andreas Rother's code since gpiozero often crush on older python version.


The source code is named inside folder python-ext, please connect GPIO18 and GND pins. If you're interested in using tri-colour LED, you may take a visit to my undone work of


Mind this file is a Mycrfot Skill, you need to renamed into in /opt/mycroft/skills/{YOUR_FOLDER}


You may pay a visit to the link for my simple demo, but I've to use Chinese for the class, am apologize for that. But I guess you can still feel how to control them this way.



LED Skill for Mycroft


Download from YouTube

FLASK Website



If Interested



this is a simple project to make a Voice Assistant with Mycroft AI on Raspberry Pi






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