Extensiv Integration Manager (Formerly CartRover) is a service that lets you easily pull orders from most of the popular ecommerce shopping carts and marketplaces. This PHP Client Library provides easier access to the https://www.extensiv.com/extensiv-integration-manager API.
Official API endpoint: https://api.cartrover.com/
Official Documentation at: https://developers.cartrover.com/
Require Library
require_once "/path/to/lib/cartrover.php";
// Include the library
require_once '/path/to/lib/cartrover.php';
// Pass credentials to the constructor
$cartrover = new \CartRover\cartrover($api_user, $api_key);
// Call one of the API endpoints
echo "List of Order Sources:\n";
$sources = $cartrover->ListCarts();
} catch (\CartRover\CRError $ex) {
// Be sure to catch any errors
echo 'ERROR: '.$ex->getMessage()."\n";
echo 'HTTP Status: '.$ex->getHttpStatus()."\n";
echo 'HTTP Body: '.$ex->getHttpBody()."\n";
// View the results