Work in progress - Takes an audio input and writes to a 0.5 seconds buffers. 4 buffers available that can be triggered within mod-ui mappings. Uses Distrho Plugin Framework intended to run on MOD-Devices / arm64 initially
Install heavy compiler :
pip3 install hvcc
Run the compiler against the pd patch with specific outputs and configs, gets DPF from github and compiles files specified in the json: lv2 , vst , jack app.
git clone
cd Samplero
rm dpf_mySamplero -rf #removes previous builds in case I dont deal with gitignore well
hvcc Samplero.pd -o dpf_mySamplero -g dpf -n dpf_mySamplero -m dpf_samplero.json
cd dpf_mySamplero
git clone dpf
cd bin
cp -r dpf_mySamplero.lv2 ~/.lv2 # lv2 for mod folder
Then its just a matter of using modsdk for giving it an UI . I will try to leave a working example one here . Still trying to figure out how to make switches for toggles and triggers instead of knobs.
Note that the given plugins in the samplero/dpf_mySamplero/bin/ are built with an arm64/aarch64 GNU/Linux, and its recommended to remove the dpf_mySamplero folder and build on your own machine.
To do's :
- Test creating an mk file to cross-compile on mod-hardware using mod plugin builder
- Midi input mappings
- Default pitch value to match original recorded pitch at middle position or 0 position
- Add hanning for amplitude smoothing
- Variable length record memory
- overdub ?
- Fix click on buffer end while recording