This application is the start point for Sprint 1 of the Lloyds Bank Group Modern Engineering Bootcamp Project Specification.
To initialise the project you will need to install several dependencies, open up a git bash terminal from the repo directory and run the command:
$ npm install
In order to run the application, from your git bash terminal run:
$ npm start
API Listening on http://localhost:8080
In order to stop the application from the git bash terminal that is running the server press CTRL
+ C
To start the application on an alternative port to the default (8080) from your git bash terminal run:
$ PORT=9090 npm start
API Listening on http://localhost:9090
In order to interact with this application through a browser navigate to http://localhost:8080/ or change the port number to the alternative that you have used.
There is a full CRUD functionality through the buttons on the web page.
To create the example product run the command:
$ curl -s -X POST http://localhost:8080/create -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{"name":"example product", "description":"this is an example", "price":9.99}'
To read all of the products run the command:
$ curl -s -X GET http://localhost:8080/read
To read one of the products run the command:
$ curl -s -X GET http://localhost:8080/read/<id>
n.b: For these commands anything surrounded by angled braces <> needs to be replaced by you
To update one of the products run the command:
$ curl -s -X PUT http://localhost:8080/update/<id> -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{"name":"updated product", "description":"its brand new", "price":99.99}'
n.b: For these commands anything surrounded by angled braces <> needs to be replaced by you
To delete one of the products run the command:
$ curl -s -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/delete/<id>
n.b: For these commands anything surrounded by angled braces <> needs to be replaced by you
To run tests on this project, use the command
$ npm test
There is a unit test included in this project, we are testing the item builder for the objects that it returns.
If we test the builder and input a name of "item", a description of "test description", a price of 99 and a id of 4... We can expect an object to be created that matches this format.
name : "item",
description : "test description",
price : 99,
_id : 4
AN example integration test that we can create for this project is to test the RESTful endpoints.
If we test the DELETE endpoint by sending a request with a method of 'DELETE' and a path of '/delete/1' we should expect the reponse to be:
Status code: 200 Status Text: OK
For system integration testing, we could test our CREATE method for our project, and check that the output from our READ method is expected.
Alternatively we could 'black-box' system test by using the front-end to create an item and reading the page to make sure the new item has been created.
As a user When I enter a item id into the delete field and press the delete button I want the item to be deleted
GIVEN a user can acces the front-end of the application WHEN they input an id into the delete item input AND an item with that id exists AND they press the delete item button THEN that item is deleted from the database