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Make dynamic mounting Vue components easier! 🌟 随时随地动态加载Vue组件!


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A tool for dynamic mounting Vue components and maintaining the component tree.

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Table of contents

Getting Started


You can install the library via npm.

npm i vue-mount -S

or via yarn:

yarn add vue-mount

or via CDN

<!-- import Vue. -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- import vue-mount -->
<script src=""></script>
    var mount = window['VueMount'].mount;
    var Mount = window['VueMount'].default;


Basic usage

import { mount } from "vue-mount";
// just import a single file component
import Alert from "./alert.vue";

// mount component and return instance
const alert = mount(Alert);

Advanced usage

// The exposed method `mount(cmp, opt)` is the syntactic sugar of `new Mount(cmp, opt).mount()`
import Mount from "vue-mount";
// alert.vue is a common `single file component`
import Alert from "./alert.vue";

const mountAlert = new Mount(Alert, {
    // mount target.
    // the special value indicates create a new root vue instance
    target: 'new',
    // props data passed to component
    props: {
        content: 'Mount alert component to a new Vue root instance'
    // modify component data
    data: {
        someInnerData: 'modified'
    // attach event listeners
    on: {
        'some-event'(eventData, vm, mnt) {
            // vm is a component instance
            // mnt is current Mount instance
    watch: {
        content: {
            immediate: true,
            handler(newValue, oldValue, vm, mnt) {
                console.log('Content has changed: ' + newValue);
                // do unwatch
                // make sure the unwatch method exsit while `immediate` is true
                if (mnt.unwatchMapper.content) {

// Get alert component instance
let alertVm = mountAlert.getInstance();
// Mount alert component
// Component would not be mounted more than once
alertVm = mountAlert.mount();

// Dynamicly set props data of the component.
    props: { content: 'Props changed' }
// Destroy component and it's element

// New component would be mounted
alertVm = mountAlert.mount();



  • Type: { string | Element | Vue | VNode }
  • Default: new
  • Details: You can pass css selector, Element, Vue instance, VNode or special value including new and root
    • new: default value. Vue component would be mounted with a new Vue root instance.
    • root: Vue component would be mounted to an existing Vue root instance. if the root instance or root element is not found under MountOption.root option, the component would be mounted with a new Vue root instance behaving just like option new.
    • When giving a Vue instance, the component would replace/append the Vue instance and added to the components tree(see MountOption.mode), former Vue instance would be destroyed when the component is mounted.
  • Examples:
    mount(Alert, { target: "root" };
    mount(Alert, { target: "#target" };
    mount(Alert, { target: document.querySelector('.list') };
    mount(Alert, { target: this.$refs.component };
    mount(Alert, { target: this.$refs.component.$slots.default[0] };

Special Note: When configured as new, the mounted component cannot access the configuration passed in the root instance, resulting in the mounted component UNABLE to access configuration globally registered on the root component such as this.$router (because a new root instance was created, but there is alternative); In other cases, vue-mount will automatically query and join the component tree context.


  • Type: { string }
  • Default: replace
  • Options: replace, append
  • Details: Specific the mount mode. Corresponds to the behavior on its component tree.
  • Examples:
    // Alert component would be append to current component
    mount(Alert, { 
        target: this,
        mode: 'append'

Attention: When the value of option target is new, or root, option mode will be ignored and be reset to append.


  • Type: { string | Element | Vue | VNode }
  • Default: #app
  • Details: Specific a root element. (All values given will be parsed to be an HTML element)


  • Type: { VueOptions }
  • Default: {}
  • Details: Specific the Vue contructor options when creating new vue root instance
  • Examples:
    mount(Alert, {
        rootOptions: {
            data: {
                root: 'new root instance'
            methods: { ... },


  • Type: { Object }
  • Details: Specific component props data.


  • Type: { Object }
  • Details: Modify component data after the component instance was created (mounted is not necessary).


  • Type: { [event: string]: Function | Object }
  • Details: Attach event listener to the component instance.
    • build-in event:

      • mount:mount: Triggered when calling mount method or ready to mount component。
      • mount:destroy: Triggered when (underlying) calling destroy method.
    • Object configure:

      • once { Boolean }: Whether the listener will be removed once it triggers for the first time.
      • handler { Function }: The event callback function. Compared to event callback function of Vue (vm.$on/$once), the last two additional arguments are current Vue component and current Mount instance.

      The this argument of the callback function points to the current Mount instance, although you can use the arrow function to avoid this behavior.

  • Examples:
    mount(Alert, {
        on: {
            'mount:mount'(vm, mnt) {
            'mount:destroy'() {
            remove: {
                once: true,
                handler: (vm, mnt) => {
            'remove-with-data'(...args) {


  • Type: { [key: string]: Function | Object }
  • Details: An object where keys are expressions to watch and values are the corresponding callbacks. The value can also be a string of a method name, or an Object that contains additional options.
    • Object configure:

      • immediate { Boolean }: Passing in immediate: true in the option will trigger the callback immediately with the current value of the expression.
      • deep { Boolean }: To also detect nested value changes inside Objects, you need to pass in deep: true in the options argument.
      • handler { Function }: The callback function when the value changes. Compared to the callback function of Vue (vm.$watch), there are always be 4 parameters like: newValue, oldValue, vm, mnt. The last two additional arguments are current Vue component and current Mount instance.

      The this argument of the callback function points to the current Mount instance, although you can use the arrow function to avoid this behavior.

    • Unwatch: Each key you passed in the watch option will be added to the attribute unwatchMapper of Mount instance, you can call the method like mnt.unwatchMapper.attr() to unwatch it.

  • Examples:
    mount(Alert, {
        watch: {
            otherAttr(newV) {
            attr: {
                handler(newValue, oldValue, vm, mnt) {
                    // do unwatch
                    // make sure the unwatch method exsit while `immediate` is true
                    if (mnt.unwatchMapper.content) {
                immediate: true,

Attention: Only declare the data upfront in the data option, the callback function can be called.



  • Arguments: { MountOptions }
  • Returns: { Vue }
  • Details: Return a vue component instance, calling the method multiple times will returns the same instance

Attention: When the value of option target is root while no root instance/element was found(which means need to create a new Vue instance), or target is new, they all lead to the result that instance would be mounted right now.

In order to ensure behavioral consistency, it is recommended to use the #mount method first.


  • Arguments: { MountOptions }
  • Returns: { Vue }
  • Details: Mount Vue component, update the component tree and return a Vue component instance.

Calling the method after the component was destroyed will re-mount the component.

Calling the method multiple times will ONLY mount once


  • Arguments: { MountDataOptions }
  • Returns: { Mount } Current instance of Mount.
  • Details: Dynamicly set props, data and listeners of the component.


  • Returns: { Vue }
  • Details: Destroy the Vue component instance and remove the associated elements. Diff from Vue's $destroy method.


  • Returns: { Element | Node }
  • Details: Returns the element associated with the component.

Methods added on components


  • Returns: { VueMount }
  • Details: returns the VueMount instance associated with the component instance.

Known issues

Unable to access $router/$store

  • When VueMount mounts the component to a new Vue root instance, the component will not be able to obtain the $router/ $store and other attributes (reason) configured in the original root component. Of course, there are the following ways to solve this problem.

    mount(Component, {
        data: {
            $store: this.$store,
            // Why not $router? VueRouter uses the object.defineProperty method internally and only sets the getter property, so this value cannot be overridden
            router: this.$router,

    Then you can use this.$store / this.router inside the component to access.

  • When the component has been mounted on the original root instance, but the value cannot be obtained in the component's created / mounted lifecycle hooks, you need to use VueMount built-in event to solve the problem:

    mount(Component, {
        on: {
            'mount:mount'(vm) {


Make dynamic mounting Vue components easier! 🌟 随时随地动态加载Vue组件!








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