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OSQP, but in jax.


First, clone the repo git clone

Then, install the package locally using

pip install -e .


OSQP solves quadratic programs of the form:

$$\begin{align} \min_x & \quad \frac{1}{2} x^T P x + q^T x \\ \text{s.t. } & \quad \ell \leq A x \leq u. \end{align}$$

This solver is built to solve batches of QPs in this form, assuming the problem data P, q, A, l, u are stored as jnp.arrays of the appropriate size.

For example, we can generate random batches of QP data (the first OSQP benchmark):

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp

from jax import random
from jax.experimental import sparse
from jaxosqp import osqp

# Generate some random problem data.
B = 100
n = 100
m = 2*n

outer = lambda A: A @ A.T + 1e-2 * jnp.eye(n)
key = random.PRNGKey(208)
key, subkey = random.split(key)
P = sparse.random_bcoo(key, (B, n, n), nse=0.15, generator=random.normal).todense()
P = jax.vmap(outer)(P) # Ensure P >= 0.
key, subkey = random.split(key)
q = random.normal(subkey, (B, n))
key, subkey = random.split(key)

# Add some random constraints (a la OSQP benchmarks
A = sparse.random_bcoo(subkey, (B, m, n), nse=0.15, generator=random.normal).todense()
key, subkey = random.split(key)
l = -random.uniform(subkey, (B, m))
key, subkey = random.split(key)
u = random.uniform(subkey, (B, m))

Next, we create an OSQP problem instance: prob, data, state = osqp.OSQPProblem.from_data(P, q, A, l, u)

In short, prob is a top-level container for the problem config; data is a container for the problem params P, q, A, l, u, and state holds the internal variables used during the solve.

We can solve our problem by running: iters, data, state = prob.solve(data, state)

The optimal primal solution will be stored in state.x, and the optimal Lagrange multipliers will be stored in state.y.

The problem statuses are stored in state.converged, state.primal_infeas, and state.dual_infeas; the solver stops when every problem in the batch has hit a termination condition.

Project Roadmap

There are a number of features/improvements needed to make this package production-ready.

Grouping the big goals by topic:

  1. Performance:

    • Make solve() call vmap across batch dimension to decouple problems.
    • Support sparse (i.e., sparse.BCOO) P, A, kkt_mat. (Sparse routines inefficient in CUDA).
    • Implement OSQPProblem.update_rho().
    • Profile code + check for bottlenecks.
    • Ensure we're not losing too much performance with jdc.copy_and_mutate().
    • Multi-GPU support.
  2. Testing / benchmarking:

    • Write unit tests for internal solver methods:

      • OSQPProblem.check_convergence()
      • OSQPProblem.check_primal_infeas()
      • OSQPProblem.check_dual_infeas()
      • OSQPProblem.step()
    • Write top-level unit tests for correctness of QP solves (against Gurobi, OSQP on CPU):

      • Random ineq. QP
      • Random eq. QP
      • Optimal control
    • Implement timing benchmarking against existing QP / LP solvers.

  3. Convenience / QoL:

    • Method to mutate OSQPData to change just one field (and update converged, primal_infeas, dual_infeas of OSQPProblem).
    • Use vmap to construct a batch of problems, instead of hardcoding size of A into factory method.


An OSQP implementation in jax.






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