- This is a multi-class text classification (document classification) problem.
- The purpose of this project is to classify High School Exam Questions into some classes and the number of classes is related to the data set.
- You can solve this problem with a variety of machine learning algorithms.
- The evaluation method is mainly based on precision and recall.
Chinese exam questions of high school.
- 1354263077 21 字音 下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是( ) A.尴 尬(ɡà) 口 讷(nà) 髭须(xī) 朔风(shuò) B.拾 掇(duo) 央 浼(měi) 规 矩(jù) 祈祷(qí) C.妥 当(dànɡ) 憎恶(zēnɡ) 滑 稽(jī) 吼 啸(xiào) D. 赍发(jī) 盘 缠(chan) 玷辱(diàn) 胭 脂(zhǐ)
- 1354307841 21 古诗词阅读 阅读下面这首词,然后回答问题. 望江怨 送别 [清]万树 春江渺,断送扁舟过林杪①.愁云清未了,布帆遥比沙鸥小.恨残照,犹有一竿红.怪人催去早. [注]①杪:树梢. (1)这首词的前四句描写了怎样的送别场景? (2)怎样理解“怪人催去早“?请结合全词分析.
* 1354263077
is ID of the question.
* 21
is the ID of the dataset, so you can ignore it if you don't want to try different datasets.
* 字音
is one of the classes.
In order to unify the standard, we use the questions whose ID end with 9 as the test set and the rest as the train set.
def count_precision_recall_at_k(y_pred, y_true, k):
y_pred: [[ 1.3315865 0.71527897 -1.54540029 -0.00838385 0.62133597 -0.72008556]]
y_true: [[0 0 1 1 0 0]
y_indices = y_pred.argsort()[:, -k:][:, ::-1]
pre = 0.0
rec = 0.0
for i in range(len(y_true)):
intersec_true = 0
for j in y_indices[i]:
intersec_true += y_true[i][j]
true_total_count = np.count_nonzero(y_true[i] == 1)
pred_total_count = len(y_indices[i])
pre += intersec_true*1.0/pred_total_count
rec += intersec_true*1.0/true_total_count
return pre/len(y_true), rec/len(y_true)
baseline | pre_1 | rec_1 | pre_2 | rec_2 | pre_3 | rec_3 |
baseline_1 | 81.05 | 76.59 | 48.63 | 88.69 | 33.77 | 92.35 |
baseline_2 | 85.27 | 80.84 | 49.31 | 90.40 | 33.73 | 92.67 |
These baselines are the results of two different algorithms.
Character-level Convolutional Networks for Text Classification
Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification
A Sensitivity Analysis of (and Practitioners' Guide to) Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification
Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Text Classification
Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification