This is our latest web application for our group in order for us to manage our group better an automate certain tasks that I am terrible at doing. But yet still can't answer emails for me.
Clone the application
git clone
Enter the app's directory
Install the dependencies
bundle install
if having trouble installing ffi gem, after installing ruby on Debian-based system (i.e. Ubuntu, Linux Mint... etc.) install ruby developement tools :
sudo apt install ruby-dev
also, bundler does not come with ruby. Install that by doing :
sudo apt install bundler
Install VirtualBox
Install Vagrant
Setup Vagrant
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
Clone the application
git clone
Enter the app's directory
cd cwdg-website
Fire up vagrant (this will take a while the first time)
vagrant up
SSH into the virtual machine
vagrant ssh
Enter the cwdg-website directory in the virtual machine
cd cwdg-website
Install the dependencies
bundle install
bundle exec middleman server
Go to http://localhost:4567
BOOM!! Done.
The meetings and resources are kept in Middleman "Local Data" files. The data is stored and YAML, and should be fairly intuitive to work with. You can find the data files in the data
directory. Note that the index page looks for the next meeting that hasn't occurred in the schedule file. This value should NOT be hardcoded. It's recommended to at least put the dates of all of the meetings of the semester in the schedule with topic and speaker as "???" if the schedule isn't planned in advance.
If you have commit access to the CWDG/ repo, you can directly update the resources or update the schedule on GitHub.
Since this is a static site, deployment is pretty straightforward. In order to deploy the site, you can simply run rake publish
, which will push the compiled site to the master
branch. To be able to deploy to, you will need permissions to push to master
on CWDG/
This is meant to be an application that our group should enjoy and contribute to. Please feel free to fork this project and make changes that you would like to see.
If you are not sure how to implement something, but would like to see it just make a pull feature pull request on this repo or talk to one of us during the meeting. We'll always be more than happy to help.