Each year at the end of the fall semester the Computer Science Club at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) and Durham College (DC) has an annual contest consisting of challenging problems that require contestants to think outside the box. There are no rules, you can solve the problems however you please, the emphasis of the contest is how you think not what you know.
Prizes are an essential aspect of the contest (along with world-wide fame and being the envy of your peers), each year prizes are awarded for the top three contestants as well as additional prizes for awards such as most creative solution, most implementations, etc. The prizes are often related to hacker culture with an emphasis on physical electronic prizes such as Arduinos/Raspberry Pi's and other interesting kits.
All of the contents of this repository are broadly copyrighted under the GNU General Public License, Version 3 unless specified otherwise. Furthermore, all of the content submitted by contestants retain the original authorship and copyright of their works unless specified otherwise.
If you are interested in the problems and find them challenging/enjoyable and would like to find out more about the Computer Science Club at UOIT and Durham College then please feel free to visit our website http://cs-club.ca or contact us at, admin@cs-club.ca.