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ML4 Science Ant color detection

This project is in collaboration with the Department of Ecology and Evolution at UNIL and the dataset used was provided by them. The goal of the project is to use Machine Learning to be able to predict the RGB values of 3 different body parts of the ant; head, thorax and abdomen. Two machine learning models have been developed to be used in a pipeline to predict the color of ants using images. The first model is a segmentation model in order to extract the body parts of the ants. The second model is a resnet used to make the predictions of the RGB values from the images. The ResNet model has been evaluated when just using the original images and when using the images of the segments of the ants. MSE loss was used as the metric to evaluate the preformance and compare models to each other.

Pipeline overview

The pipeline consists of a UNet model trained to predict per pixel classification of bodyparts of ants. The UNet model and further documentation is availible under Pytorch-UNET. Then the next step after predicting the masks is to extract the images for the bodyparts. After the resnet is to be trained to predict the color of the ants. The weights for the additional layers for all of the trained resnet models for each body part can be found under output training. Below is a description on how to run the resnet model.

Resnet model


Pretrained Weights: The pretrained ResNet18 weights are included in the repository under the 'weights' folder and are automatically loaded during training.

Three Modes of Operation: Baseline Model: Run the baseline model using --run_baseline.
Hyperparameter Tuning: Perform grid search for hyperparameter optimization using --run_hypertuning.
Custom Model Runs: Train or test the model with custom hyperparameters using --run_model.


  1. Running the Model The script supports several arguments for customization:
  • File Format: Use --file_format to specify the image format. Set True for .jpg files or False for .png files of a specific body part.
  • Hyperparameters: When using --run_model, you can specify hyperparameters such as: --learning_rate: Set the learning rate for training. --hidden_nodes: Define the number of nodes in the second added fully connected layer. --batch_size: Set the batch size for training.
  • Image Path: Provide the path to the image file and any additional image-related information using relevant arguments.
  • Body Part: Specify which ant body part (head, thorax, or abdomen) to use as target variable.
  1. Results The run model is saved in a folder with the timestap for the run Output Files: The output and the target colors are saved in .pkl Model weights.

Training and validation losses are logged using TensorBoard.

  1. Run the following command to launch TensorBoard Viewing Results with TensorBoard:
tensorboard --logdir=<path_to_tensorboard_logs>
  1. Open the provided URL (typically http://localhost:6006) in your web browser to view the training metrics and loss curves.

Analysis of best preforming models

In the file analysis_resnet.ipynb all results from the models are loaded and the results analysed.

How to create environment required to run code

git clone

Navigate to the cloned directory

cd ml-project-2-kalamariunionen

Create environment

conda create --name <env> --file requirements.txt

Sciting external packages used in code

The project relies on the following key Python packages: Torch Torchvision TensorBoard Pillow Pandas Matplotlib scikit-image

Review Assignment Due Date


ml-project-2-kalamariunionen created by GitHub Classroom






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Contributors 3
