Hi! Does anybody want to discuss topic of interests? I will start working on a temporary topic to submit for the checkpoint - Daimeng
Whats' up lets meet Friday night to knock out this proposal. Here is an invite link to the discord i made so that we can communicate: -Sarb https://discord.gg/8naGrMCR
This is your group repo for your final project for COGS118A
This repository is publicly visible! We will be using that feature to do peer review of projects.
Template notebooks for each component are provided. Only work on the notebook prior to its due date. After each submission is due, move onto the next notebook (For example, after the proposal is due, start working in the Data Checkpoint notebook).
This is your repo. You are free to manage the repo as you see fit, edit this README, add data files, add scripts, etc. So long as there are the four files above on due dates with the required information, the rest is up to you all.
Also, you are free and encouraged to share this project after the course and to add it to your portfolio. Just be sure to fork it to your GitHub at the end of the quarter!