Outer space holds a lot a mysterious things that scientist can only imagine to understand. This mystery hub holds a lot of awe inspiring bright lights.
Even though the public always seems to steer towards aliens when the topic of space arises, they are quite a few cool things hanging around up there that most people don't know about.
This project is a school project to learn about making design systems for large-scale websites.
As a child, I've always secretly wanted to became an astronomer. Looking up into space still gives me shivers.
Caroline Guindon guin0057@algonquinlive.com
http://cgdesigned.ca @cgdesinged
The website is targeted towards anyone interested in amazing outer spaceyness or looking to dig a little deeper than the basic public knowledge of space.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PSR_J1719-1438_b
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VY_Canis_Majoris
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebula
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commet
- http://www.space.com/
- http://www.space-explorers.org/
- http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/
- Research
- Content organization
- Tasks & priorities
- Prototype
- Style exploration
- Writing exploration
- Component guide
- Homepage design
- Inside pages
- Comments
- Categories
- Search results
- Accessibility
- 404 page
- Metadata
- Speed